Wednesday, 29 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 29, 2012

-fitness activity
-MADD presentation - 2nd half

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 28, 2012

-continuing with our dance unit
-next class - ski/board - survival unit (be prepared to go outside)

PE 9/10 - Feb. 28, 2012

-continuing with our dance unit
-next class - ski/board - survival unit (be prepared to go outside)

Friday, 24 February 2012

PE 9/10 - Feb. 24, 2012

-warm-up fitness activity
-European handball drills and games
-Monday - we begin our dance unit

PE 11/12 - Feb 24,2012

-badminton testing
-next class - start of dance unit

Thursday, 23 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 23, 2012

-ski/ board
-survival - shelter building
-next class - badminton tournament - skills testing

Feb 9/10 - Feb. 23, 2012

-ski/ board
-survival unit - shelter building
-next class - in the gym - european handball

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

PE 9/10 - Feb.21 2012

-combined class with PE 11/12 
-ski/board - next class - morning
         -survival - be prepared to go outside for shelter building

PE 11/12 - Feb. 21, 2012

-warm up fitness activity
-badminton - went over low doubles serve and high singles serve
-drills and tournament play.
-Next day:  ski/board - at the skihill - bus leaves 11:35am
                   survival - at the school - have outdoor gear - shelter building

Monday, 20 February 2012

PE 9/10 - Feb. 20, 2012

-warm up fitness activity
-basketball tournament - 5 teams - round robin

PE 11/12 - Feb. 20, 2012

-warm up fitness activity
-badminton - went over the overhead clear and the smash
-drills and games

PE 9/10 - Feb. 16, 2012

-in gym next class

PE 11/12 - Feb. 16, 2012

-in the gym next class

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

PE11/12 - Feb. 14, 2012

-swimming - water polo
-those who didn't swim - went for a walk
-next class - ski/board Thursday morning (will not get back to the school until 12:15pm - bring a lunch with you) --- survival students - dress warm (boots, snowpants and jacket) - you'll be outside in the snow lighting fires.

PE 9/10 - Feb 14, 2012

-fitness run / walk - students had a choice of a run (10 marks) or a walk (7 marks)
-began a "wrestling" tournament
-next class - ski/board/survival.  Skiers/Boarders - bus leaves at 11:35pm from community entrance (across from the arena).  Survival - be prepared to be outside in the snow for firelighting.

Monday, 13 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 13, 2012

-fitness run to Big Eddy bridge
-hand hockey in the fitness room
-tomorrow's class - swimming - water polo

PE 9/10 - Feb. 13, 2012

-fitness activity with Mr. Beitel's class - anaerobic and resistance training
-hand hockey
-tomorrow's class - outdoor run - minor games in the fitness room

Friday, 10 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 10, 2012

-stairs fitness activity
-hand hockey
-be prepared to be outside next class

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 8, 2012

-1st day of ski/board/ winter survival unit.
-Survival unit - fitness activity, went over winter survival information and did winter survival test - remaining class time = badminton
-next class - be prepared to be in or out (not in gym)

PE 9/10 - Feb. 8, 2012

-1st day of ski/board/survival unit.
-Students in the survival unit - fitness activity, went over winter survival information, took winter survival test - played indoor soccer for remaining class time.
-next day - continuation of badminton unit.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

PE 9/10 - Feb. 7, 2012

-warm up games
-introduced service rules, scoring and two different serves
-service drills
-tournament play
-skiing/boarding/survival tomorrow - remember appropriate gear - bus leaves at 8:45am and returns to school at 12:15pm

PE 11/12 - Feb. 7, 2012

-King's court badminton tourney with some of the Ono Cho students.
-Next day - ski/board at the hill - bus leaves at 11:35am.
-Survival students  - be prepared to go outside for fitness and be inside during second half.

Monday, 6 February 2012

PE 9/10 - Feb. 6, 2012

-warm up game
-badminton - went over overhead clear and smash
-tournament play - round robin

PE11/12 - Feb. 6, 2012

-Touch rugby/tag game
-Welcome to Ono-Cho guests ceremony

Friday, 3 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 3, 2012

-ski forms due:  TODAY
-course outline permission forms: due MONDAY
-warm up - individual dodge ball
-badminton tourney

-Masters of Mayhem - 7 points
-Killer Krew - 10 points
-Arsekickers - 5 points
-Zealous Zombies - 2 points

PE 9/10 - Feb. 3, 2012

-walk to the new passenger bridge.
-went over course outlines - return permission forms by Tuesday, Feb. 7
-skihill permission forms due:  TODAY.  If you didn't get them in:  MONDAY

Thursday, 2 February 2012

PE 11/12 - Feb. 2, 2012

-fitness activity
-went over Course Outline forms - return permission form ASAP
-Ski/Snowboard/Survival forms due:  Friday, Feb. 3

PE 9/10 - Feb. 2, 2012

-fitness activity - 6/8/10 stairs
-badminton - King of the Court games
-please get Ski/Snowboard/Survival forms in by FRIDAY Feb. 3