Friday, 27 February 2015

Family Studies - Feb 27

-Went over the Goal of Communication (esp. within families)
-What Effective Communication requires

-Problems that can occur while "sending messages"
      -intent of message sent isn't received as intended
     -message sent has closed the lines of communication

     -These problems can occur because of body language, words used or tone of voice used.

We discussed what body language a) opens the lines of communication and b) closes lines of communication

We discussed what words a) opens the lines of communication (worksheet:  "I messages") and what words b)  close the lines of communication (worksheet:  "Communication blockers)

We introduced the 3rd aspect of healthy/unhealthy families:  Family Rules/Expectations
     -how can  rules and expectations be beneficial to a family and how can they be detrimental?

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Family Studies - Feb 26

Effective Communication

     -Mirroring - reflecting back emotion and content
     -worksheet - "Get the Message?"

Respect for one another is an important component of effective communication.
     -two activities - Conversations and Panel Interviews

2nd half of Communication - Sending Messages

The message we intend to send is not always received in that way due to difference in perception.

The way we send messages is the same way we receive them:
     -Body Language **
     -Tone of Voice

Body Language**
     -we looked at how different postures, gestures, etc send different messages
     -students went to the IT lab to research what messages are sent with different body language
    -we will go over the information that they found next class

     -we watched a TED talk on the messages sent through the use of our hands

Family Studies - Feb 24

-continued on with the Communications unit
      -body language (how much information is sent this way)
     - tone of voice (how it affects a message)
     -listening with your heart (Back Art)
     -empathy - what is it?
                     -how it's important to listening
                     -Empathy quiz online

Monday, 23 February 2015

Family Studies - Feb 23

Introduction to the Communication unit
Defined:  Effective communication

     -went over 5 poor listening styles

     -discussed what it takes to be a good (ACTIVE) listener
              -Listen with EYES, EARS and HEART
              -Stand in their shoes (be EMPATHETIC)
              -Mirror - Reflect back how they feel and what they say (in your own words)

Took several Emotional Intelligence quizzes:  and

Friday, 20 February 2015

Family Studies - Feb19

Students assigned a project - "The CD Cover".  Students were given the class to work on their projects.

Finished up by watching a TED talk by Amy Cuddy that linked body language (COMMUNICATION - our next topic) to SELF-AWARENESS.

Family Studies - Feb 17

Once again we reviewed the 4 aspects of Healthy/Unhealthy characteristics of Family, what we need to remember about "perceptions" and how self-worth is developed.

Self- Worth continued - read the poem, "There's a Hole in my Sidewalk" and discussed how it related to "taking responsibility for self".

Discussed how feelings of appreciation, love, acceptance and belonging impact self-worth.  And obstacles to people feeling accepted.  We focussed on how the media plays a role in our self-worth and watched a TED talk called, "Killing us Softly."

Handout:  Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs - Explained theory and discussed how it relates to Self-Worth.

Journal #2 assigned - relating to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Family Studies - Feb 16

Reviewed much of what we have learned up until this point - Function of families, Structure of
       families, changes in society related to family, perceptions, and the 4 aspects that impact the
       health of families.

Continued with Self-Awareness activities - students were asked to consider 5 strong VALUES that they have and find a quote to go with each one.

We discussed what it means to "take responsibility for oneself" and how this impacts our self-worth.  We watched two short youtube videos called "Panyee FC" and "Too Shy." Then discussed how each video was an example of "taking responsibility".

Family Studies - Feb. 13

- Introduction of Family Dynamics
     - handout that discusses both unhealthy and healthy characteristics of a family.
    -Health of the Family (that we will be studying) is defined by 4 aspects
            -Self Worth, Communication, Family Rules/Expectations and Link to Society

          -We will start by looking at Self-Worth - what it means and how it is developed.
           -Developed through;
                      Self-awareness - aware of one's strengths, traits, feelings, etc.,
                              -took a Myers-Briggs Personality Test
                     Feeling appreciated, loved, a sense of belonging and acceptance.
                     Taking responsibility for oneself

   -Perceptions - what they are, what we need to understand about them and how they impact our life.

Family Studies - Feb 11

Worksheet - Introduction to Family - students completed and handed back.

Journal #1 - The Ideal Future Family (to be handed in next class)

Functions of Family - handout - discussion on the importance of family to society and what purposes
     it serves.

Structure of Family - how the structures of families have changed over the past 60 years and reasons
     for these changes.

Genogram - a visual representation of their family structure - students drew 3 generations.  Due next

Family Studies - Feb 10

Introduction to the course
     -went over course outline
     -class expectations
    -looked at the article "A guide for the Wife" and discussed how much the structure of families and      the roles of spouses has changed in the last 60 years.  Watched a 20 mins. "Leave it to Beaver" episode to demonstrate some of these changes.

Sunday, 8 February 2015