Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday / Thursday October 2/3, 2019

1.  Quick check in to see what students remembered from last class's introduction to the High Middle Ages.
2.  H/W check
3.  Went over H/W questions
4.  Read textbook - pages 47-48 - to understand what a "manor" is.
5.  Watched youtube video - "The Medieval Manor -"
6.  Class activity.  Students drew their roles in medieval society - either a monarch, lord, knight or peasant.  The monarch/lords and knights swore an oath of allegiance - sealing a feudal contract.  Serfs were instructed by the lord as to their role on the manor.   We took part in a simulation to demonstrate how crops would have been "paid" by the serfs to their "superiors".
7.  Students were given a "manor" assignment where they need to draw their own manor.  They will be given time next class to work on the assignment and then it will be due:  Monday Oct. 7
8.  We also looked at where "surnames" come from.  Students are expected to name 5 of their citizens (on their manor) - using realistic names from the time period.