Monday, 23 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday/Thursday September 18/19, 2019

1.  Review from last day.
2. We began watching the History Channel documentary called, "The Dark Ages".  We watched up to 42 minutes of the movie.  Students completed notes (a handout with questions on it).  We went over each question to ensure understanding
3.  Preparation for an upcoming class activity called "Academic Raiders", where the class is divided in to 5 different tribes (Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Vikings, Franks and Byzantines) representing   groups that are going to have a significant impact on Western European society in the early Middle Ages (after the fall of the  Roman Empire).
                   • each group researched their tribe, using our textbook, and then introduced themselves      
 to the rest of the class.