Monday, 23 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday September 23, 2019

1.  We reviewed what students had learned from the movie, The Dark Ages.
2.  Students worked in their tribes to come up with 12 challenge questions that they would be using in the upcoming game, Academic Raiders.  The questions had to be from topics we have already covered in Socials 8: The Roman Empire and its fall, Western European geography, Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and/or information about their tribe.  This information was gathered from the notes they had taken on the documentaries we have watched, their textbook or the European map.
3.  We played one round of "Academic Raiders".  Three rounds to go.....
4.  The students began a "Timeline" assignment as part of the upcoming review for Unit 1.  They will have a TEST on Unit 1 on Monday September 30.