Monday, 14 November 2016

Planning 10


  • this assignment asks you to take what you have learned from Habits #1, #2 and #3 and relate it to the movie, "Rudy".

1.  Watch the movie, "RUDY".

  • It's available in our school library (but you must watch it there - ask Mr. Wilson, Ms. Mohn, Ms. Carey or myself (Mrs. Hosh) for help to get it started.  
  • you can also rent it from iTunes for $3.99 - perhaps you could get a few other Planning 10 Online students, all chip in and watch it together.
  • I am happy to play it in my classroom (room 309) for you after school or during a few lunches - get a few people together and we can organize a day and time to watch it.

2.  Then complete the following assignment found at the link below.

3.  Hand in your assignment via;
  • Office 365
  • print it off and hand it in to the Planning 10 folder in the office