Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Leadership - Monday April 6, 2020

LESSON #1 (8) - The Relationship Bank Account (RBA)

Winning the Private Victory (Habits #1, #2 and #3) was all about the relationship you have with yourself and building your self-confidence.  The Public Victory (Habits #4, #5 and #6) is about building your Relationship Bank Accounts (RBA).   It's all about developing healthy and positive relationships with others.  As you will learn, strong relationships lead to more success in your work life and significantly increase your level of personal happiness and health.

1.  Try this quick quiz.... just READ through it and try to come up with the answers.

Who Makes a Difference?

2.  Watch the following TED Talk.

3.  Read pages 131-143 of "7 Habits".

4.  Fill in the RBA Note sheet as you read to help you focus on the key points.

RBA Notes sheet

5.  Watch the following YouTube video.  This video reminds us, just like your "7 Habits" discussed, that we open relationships with everyone we meet.  When this connection with others is healthy, it can bring much happiness to our lives.  It also gives some awesome examples of deposits you can make into your RBAs.

6.  ASSIGNMENT - (10 marks) In order for us to begin to improve our "habits", we need to become aware of them.  This assignment is designed to help you become more "conscious" of the things that you are doing that either build or hinder your relationship with others.  Complete the "RBA Journal" sheet found at the following link.  Record a minimum of 10 RBA deposits and/or withdrawals that you make over the next few days with different people in your life. 

RBA Journal

Please submit your assignment by sharing it on Office 365.