Thursday, 24 November 2016

Leadership - Tuesday April 14


OK - so we've established that relationships matter.  If the relationships in our life are healthy, we are likely to experience more success and happiness throughout our lives.  This lesson looks at the type of attitude needed to have strong relationships (and those attitudes that lead to unhealthy relationships).

Let's start off with a cute video that demonstrates a few of the attitudes we'll be looking at.

1.  Read pages 146-161 in "7 Habits".

2.  Fill out the "Notes" sheet as you read.

Think "Win-Win" Notes

3.  The attitude you have within your relationships can often show up during a conflict.

Conflict is a part of life. It exists as a reality of any relationship, and is not necessarily bad. In fact, a relationship with no apparent conflict may be unhealthier than one with frequent conflict. Conflicts are critical events that can weaken or strengthen a relationship.  They can be productive; creating deeper understanding, closeness and respect, or they can be destructive, causing resentment, hostility and divorce. How the conflicts get resolved, not how many occur, is the critical factor in determining whether a relationship will be healthy or unhealthy, mutually satisfying or unsatisfying, friendly or unfriendly, deep or shallow, intimate or cold. Conflicts run all the way from minor unimportant differences to critical fights. There are conflicts over needs, wants, preferences, interests, opinions, beliefs and values. (Taken from a website by; Larry Alan Nadig, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Marriage and Family Therapist)

This video is an advertisement but has some good information in it so I think it's worth checking out.

Everyone has numerous ways of dealing with conflict.  However, each of us has a preferred style.  In the best interest of your relationships, it is important to be aware of your conflict style.  

4.  The following “quiz” will help you to determine your most common style.  Take and score the quiz - it may be easiest to print it off first.

5.  ASSIGNMENT (10 marks)

a) Which style did you score the highest on?

b) Briefly describe your style.

c) Of the 4 attitudes we looked at in your "7 Habits" book, which one is most closely related to your style?

d) If you were in a conflict with someone, which conflict style would cause you the most frustration?  Why?   

e) If you were in a conflict with someone, which style would you prefer to be in a conflict with?  Why? 

f) Consider this quote below and then answer the question:  Why is it important, to the health of a relationship, for people to be aware of their conflict styles?

“Solving conflict is easier when we don’t need to worry about winning or losing but only in meeting everybody’s needs.”  

Please submit your assignment by sharing it with me on Office 365.