Wednesday / Thursday November 13/14, 2019
1. Introduced the Hundred Years War - read section of textbook - pulled out the 5W's.
- looked at some historically significant people and events of the war.
• The Burghers of Calais - we read the story together. Students were put into groups and given a "character" from the story. As a group they had to write a paragraph that stated why this person(s) was the "most chivalrous" person in the story. The groups took turns reading their paragraphs. Then each group was asked to rebut the other groups' statements and argue why that person was NOT the most chivalrous. In the end we voted on which team we felt a) put forth the best argument and b) refuted the opposing arguments the best.
• The Battle at Agincourt - we watched a short video clip that summarized this event. As a class we then discussed how this battle was historically significant and what changes in society would come about as a result of this battle.
• Joan of Arc - we watched a National Geographic video about her and discussed how she was a significant figure and the impact she had on the Hundred Years' war.
2. With a little bit of time left over - we played Kahoot and answered questions from the Medieval era.