Wednesday / Thursday November 27 / 28, 2019
1. Introduction to the Renaissance - page 209 - read together.
2. We created a chart that listed the differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
3. Discussion and notes. - Why did the Renaissance start in Italy? The Italian City-States - what are they, how are they ruled? Students completed a map.
4. Renaissance thinking... how was it different than the Medieval times? We discussed what a "paradigm" is and how and why people had a "paradigm shift". We also discussed how paradigms can affect people's attitudes and behaviours.
Renaissance people admired the Greek and Roman philosophers. We discussed what philosophy is, watched a quick video on it and then, in groups, practiced some philosophical thinking. Renaissance people who wanted to revive the ideas of the Greeks and Romans and work towards the betterment of individual potential and society as a whole, were called "Humanists". The 3 ideals that Humanists focussed on were: Beauty (aesthetics), Truth (wisdom and logic) and Goodness (virtuous living).
5. Students were given a Humanist Assignment and class time to work on it. Whatever they did not get done in class, will be for homework. DUE: Friday November 28.