Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday November 19, 2019

1.  We quickly went over the worksheet on Women's Status and the Church in the Late Middle Ages.
2.  Introduced "The Black Death".  Discussed the 5 W's.  Students were asked to write a paragraph discussing:  What impact do you think the Black Death, and resulting decrease in population, will have on Medieval society?  Most completed the paragraph and handed it in.  Those who didn't must have it ready to hand in next class.

3.  Watched a music video by: The History Teachers called "Fleas on Rats"
4. Watched the History Channel documentary called, "The Plague" and students made notes about the movie.

Will finish the documentary next day and participate in some Black Plague simulations.

Upcoming:  Chapter 5 - Late Middle Ages TEST - Tuesday November 26.