Thursday, 30 April 2020

PE 8 - Friday May 1

PE Workout of the Day

Focus:  Choice!


Please remember to submit your PE Journal!

Starting next week - each PE class will be challenging every other one to a distance challenge.  We can Bike, Jog, or Walk.  You are encouraged to use some kind of distance tracking device - For example:  a Fitbit, your phone using the Strava app (can sign up for free using your Office 365 email) or route mapping software like onthegomap (free with no sign up) to see exactly how far you went.  Please take some time to get familiar with one of these this weekend and then plan to log those km's next week.  I'll have a form (similar to your PE journal) ready for you on Monday, to log your kilometres.  

Volleyball - Friday May 1

Your workout is compliments of Grady.... Thanks, Grady!

Warm up - your choice


  • Lunges 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Wall sit - 3 sets - 1st @ 30 sec, 2nd @ 45 sec, 3rd @ 60 sec
  • Jumping Jacks 3 sets of 50
  • Sit-Ups - 3 sets of 50
  • Plank 3 sets - 1st @ 30 sec, 2nd @ 45 sec, 3rd @ 60 sec

Vball Control Drills
  • Quick sets against a wall for 45 seconds
  • Take a step back, set against the wall for 60 seconds
  • Take a bigger step back and set agains the wall for 90 seconds
  • lie on your back with knees bent - quick low sets to self - 100x
  • lie on your back with knees bent - slower higher sets to self - 100x
  • In ready position, pass to self without moving your feet - 100x
  • Staying low in ready position, pass to self while moving forward and back - 100x
  • Staying low in ready position, pass to self while shuffling from side to side - 100x
  • Against a wall, pass forward or diagonal continuous - 50 contacts
  • Against a wall, pass, set, pass continuous - 50 contacts
  • Against a wall, pass, set, hit, continuous - 50 contacts
Have Fun, Work Hard, Enjoy your Weekend!!!

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Volleyball - Thursday April 30

No fitness day!

But here's something fun:

Volleyball Control Drills

Setting: lying on your back 
  • low and quick continuous sets to self (100x)
  • higher and slower paced continuous sets to self (100x)
  • high sets that graze the ceiling (if ok with parents) continuous, if possible (30x)
  • continuous setting to self while doing slow sit ups (25 sit ups)
  • continuous setting to self while bringing knees up and then extending legs to the floor (20x)
Passing:  done while remaining in ready position
  • continuous passing to self without moving feet - one foot can pivot, if needed (100x)
  • continuous passing while moving forward and back (100x)
  • continuous passing while shuffling side to side (pass, shuffle, freeze, pass, repeat) (100x)
Combos:  done while standing up 
  • pass to self, set to self, right hand touch (like a tip), left hand touch, bounce off forehead, repeat continuously (50x)

TA designed workout for tomorrow!

PE 8 - Thursday April 30

PE Workout of the Day
Focus:  HIIT


Please don't forget to submit your PE Journal.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

PE 8 - Wednesday April 29

PE 8 - Workout of the Day

Focus:  Strength


Please submit your PE Journal

Volleyball - Wednesday April 29

Warm up and Fitness

Volleyball Control Drills 

  • 100x continuous sets to the ground
  • 50x continuous sets in the air - hands remain high and as still as possible (only wrists and fingers move)
  • 50 x set, turn 180, set, turn 180, continuous (hands high and still)
  • 100x medium height sets continuously against a wall (hands high and still - weight shifts from left-> right as you push the ball to the wall) 
  • 50x set to self while doing sit ups
  • 50x right "Vball groove" passes off a wall
  • 50x left "Vball groove" passes off a wall
  • 100x pass to self
  • 50x passes off wall from L kneeling, R foot at right angle, platform to the right of torso
  • 50x passes off wall from R kneeling, L foot at right angle, platform to the left of torso
  • pass to wall, set to wall, light roll shot to wall, continue - 50 touches
  • Block jumps against a wall - shuffle side to side - 3 sets x 8 jumps
  • Block jumps against a wall - swing block moving side to side (using correct footwork) - 3 sets x 8 jumps
  • Monday, 27 April 2020

    PE 8 - Tuesday April 28

    Workout of the Day

    Focus:  Strength


    Remember to submit your PE journal.

    Volleyball - Tuesday April 28

    Workout Free Tuesday!

    Volleyball Control Drills

    Today... the Pokey!  This is a common shot in Beach Volleyball - but from everything I've read, it's legal in indoor volleyball as well (probably only to be used when you're in real trouble at the net).  In Beach Volleyball you're NOT allowed to open hand tip the ball so the pokey is used instead.  In Beach, the pokey is also used on both offence and defence.  So... this isn't a skill you'll use much in Indoor Volleyball... but just to mix it up a bit.... let's check it out and who knows.... maybe some of you will play some beach in the future.

    Ok - Let's try some drills (after you've warmed up a bit.... I'll leave that to you.)

    1.  Toss the ball up and let it bounce off your knuckle platform, then catch.  Repeat until you get a comfortable feel with both your right and left hand.
    2.  Alternate right and left hand contacts, continuously - 100 contacts or more, so that you become very comfortable and are able to maintain some control.
    3.  Toss, spike approach, pokey x 20 - try directing the ball to numerous angles (if able to be outside).
    4.  Try the defensive pokey (as seen in the 2nd video) - spike or throw a ball off the wall and try to pokey it up to be a playable ball.  See if you can get a pattern going - spike, pokey, set, hit, etc.
    5.  See how many continuous pokeys you can get in a row (right or left hand contacts) before losing control of the ball.  

    Once you've completed your drills, TEXT me your max number of contacts from Drill #5.

    Leadership - Lesson #4

    ...Then to be Understood - the other half of communication...... (2nd half of Habit #5) = SENDING MESSAGES

    1.  Read pages 178-179 in your "7 Habits".

    If we want others to understand us better, it is important that we keep the lines of communication OPEN.  There are common mistakes that people can make when they are trying to communicate during times of stress and/or emotion.  These mistakes can cause the lines of communication to CLOSE between people and create negative feelings that weaken relationships.

    2.  Read through each of the "Communication Blockers" found at the link below. 

    Communication Blockers

    Can you relate?  Are you guilty of using any of these "blockers" in your interactions with others?  Do you recall a time when someone used one of these against you?  I'm sure you remember how it made you feel.  Often, your immediate reaction is to defend yourself by getting angry or withdrawing to avoid further discomfort.  If this happens what can you do to repair the relationship? ... especially if the relationship is really important to you?  Read on.

    3.  Someone may have said or done something that offended you.  You want to keep the lines of communication open.  What can you do to stick up for yourself or share your concerns but be respectful of the other person at the same time?  Your best shot may be to use something called an"I" Statement.

    An "I" Statement does three things:
         1. It allows you to take responsibility for your feelings WITHOUT blaming the other person. (Remember Habit #1 - Be proactive, rather than reactive?)
         2. It focusses on the problem WITHOUT attacking the person.  (Hopefully by doing this the other person won't react defensively and the lines of communication will remain OPEN).
         3. It provides the person you are speaking to with a lot of helpful information.  (A better understanding of how you feel and why.)

    For practice, complete the "I" Statement worksheet at the following link.

    "I" message worksheet

    8.  ASSIGNMENT  - Watch the following clip from the movie, "The Break Up".  In this clip we see a conversation between two people escalate into a fight.  Let's use this example to reflect on what we've learned about communication.  Please complete the assignment by answering the 2 questions below.

    1. Using the information you have learned in this lesson (and the previous one... "Listening"), explain, in some detail, three communication "mistakes" (for example: poor listening skills, communication blockers, etc.) that inflamed and/or escalated this situation.  Describe a) the mistake, b) who made it and c) what it resulted in.

    2.  Once Gary and Brook have had a chance to cool down - what is an "I message" that each of them could say to the other that would explain a)  how he/she feels, b) what the other person did and c) why that was hurtful.  (Take some time to think about this - what was each of them really upset about? - dig passed the surface and try to see the real issues and emotions by using what you have learned about "genuine" listening).  Write one message that Gary could say to Brook and another that Brook could say to Gary.  (And, I get that "I messages" sound weird, fake...corny... but if practiced, they will sound genuine and can actually be very effective).

    I'll also post the "I message" worksheet in Assignments on Teams (although you don't need to submit it to me - it's not part of the assignment - but if you would like some feedback - I can help.)  I'll also post the 2 assignment questions, that way you can answer them in Word and hand them in on Teams.  

    Sunday, 26 April 2020

    PE 8 - Monday April 27

    Hi All - hope you had a good weekend!

    Last week (on teams) I mentioned that Ms. Von Bremen's PE 8 class had challenged us to see who could collect the most kilometres (walking, jogging or cycling) - this challenge will start next week on Monday and go until Friday.  Stay tuned for more information......

    Today's Workout of the Day:

    Please submit your PE journal when you've completed your physical activity.

    Volleyball - Monday April 27

    WARM-UP - your choice


    Drill #1 - need four cones (or cups... or whatever you can use in place of cones). 
    "Figure 8" drill - sprint forward, shuffle diagonally back, sprint forward, shuffle diagonally back. 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest x 3.  
    Drill #2 - need 3 cones.  RL, RL, R, LR, LR, L. 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest x 3

    Drill #1 - Lunge Jumps (R and L) + Squat - 12 reps x 3 sets - 30-60 sec. rest in between sets.

    Plank jacks 3x30 seconds (30 sec. rest in between)
    Plank shoulder touches 3x 30 seconds (30 sec. rest in between)

    Warm up with;

    • 50 right hand sets against a wall
    • 50 left hand sets against a wall
    • 50 right forearm contacts against a wall
    • 50 left forearm contacts against a wall
    • 25 pass, set, tip to self
    And a video to inspire you....

    Today's Challenge (this is the information you will TEXT me [max # contacts for A and max # contacts for B] when your workout is complete) - hopefully you can be outside for this challenge.

    1. A. How many one arm/hand, one foot, or other body part (legal*) contacts can you make in a row? (The ball cannot contact a wall, the ground, the roof or any object other than your body - cannot count a regular two arm/hand pass or set - must restart)

    2. B. How many one arm/hand, one foot, or other body part (legal*) contacts can you make in a row off a wall (ball must contact wall in between each touch - cannot count a regular two arm/hand pass or set - must restart)

    3. *9.2.1  The ball may touch any part of the body.
    4. *9.2.2  The ball must not be caught and/or thrown. (No carries or double hits)

      Good Luck!  I'll post the top 3 max contacts for each (A and B).

    Thursday, 23 April 2020

    PE 8 - Friday April 24

    Workout of the Day

    Focus:  Choice Friday!


    Please submit your PE Journal

    Have an excellent weekend!  Get ready for CHALLENGE week starting Monday against Ms. Von Bremen's PE 8 Class.... get psyched for lots of km's.

    Volleyball - Friday April 24

    Hey Guys - This workout and these drills are compliments of Claire.  Thank you, Claire!

    Warm-up: your choice  
    Fitness: 3 sets, 30 second rest after each rep 
    30 jumping jacks  
    20 jump squats  
    60 second wall sit  
    40 second plank or 30 second fingertip plank  
    10 tuck jumps 
    20 lunges  
    Control drills: 
    50x passes right arm/ left arm  
    50x pass to the wall 
    50x passes with left knee on the ground and right knee up forward- self pass to the wall  
    50x setting to ground right foot a little forward  
    50x setting to the wall 
    50x setting to yourself  
    25x setting while laying down 
    Last one! 
    Pass, set, and tip to yourself with or without the wall 50x 

    Have an AWESOME weekend, everyone!  

    Wednesday, 22 April 2020

    Volleyball - Thursday April 23

    Fitness Free Thursday!

    For your viewing pleasure....

    Please warm up before doing your:
    Volleyball Control drills

    1.  50 volleyball groove passes to self off each arm.
    2.  50x2 volleyball passes to self (do NOT stand up - remain in passing position)
    3.  50 low sets to self (from sitting, kneeling or standing - work on cues from Tues/Wed lesson)
    4. 50 high sets to self (from sitting, kneeling or standing - work on cues from Tues/Wed lesson)
    5.  set low, set high, turn 180, set low, set high, turn 180, continue - 50 touches
    6.  pass to self, set to self, turn 180, pass to self, set to self, turn 180, etc. - 50 touches
    7.  pass to self, set to self, tip, bounce off forehead, pass to self, set to self, tip, bounce off forehead, etc. - 50 touches
    8.  20 spike approaches - jumping as high as you can (reach for a target) - middles - 2 foot approach, outside hitters 3-4 step approach - somehow measure your highest contact (or approximate)
    9.  Against a wall - 10 side to side shuffle step blocks, pressing off the wall x 2
    10.  Against a wall - 10 side to side swing blocks (proper footwork), pressing off the wall x 2

    TEXT me when you've completed the workout - with your height plus the measurement of your highest contact during the spike approach jumps.

    PE 8 - Thursday April 23

    PE 8 - Workout of the Day

    Focus:  HIIT


    Please submit your PE Journal once you have completed your activity today.

    Tuesday, 21 April 2020

    PE 8 - Wednesday April 22

    PE 8 - Workout of the Day

    Focus:  Flexibility


    Please submit your PE Journal once you've completed your activity for the day.

    Volleyball - Wednesday April 22

    Warm-up: your choice
    Skipping (or pretend skipping) for 1 min.
    15 sec. rest
    Alternating Lunge jumps for 30 sec.
    15 sec. rest
    Mountain Climbers for 30 sec.
    15 sec. rest
    Jumping Jacks for 1 min.
    15 sec. rest
    Squat jumps for 30 sec.
    15 sec rest
    Plank Jacks for 30 sec.
    15 sec. rest

    REPEAT 3X - 5X (depending on how energetic you're feeling)

    Volleyball Control Drills:  Watch Part 2 of Charlene Johnson's drills for setting - keep in mind the technique cues from last day.


    1. Standing to squatting while setting to wall - 50 touches
    2. One leg squat - alternate - while setting to wall - 50 touches
    3. Right Lunge while setting to wall - 50 touches
    4. Left Lunge while setting to wall - 50 touches
    5. Sit up sets while setting to self and then wall - 100 touches
    6. Lying on your right side while setting to wall - 30 touches
    7. Lying on your left side while setting to wall - 30 touches
    8. Lying on Back while setting to wall - Level 1 - 40 touches
                                                                  - Level 2 - 30 touches
                                                                  - Level 3 - 20 touches
                                                                  - Level 4 - 10 touches
    9. Lying on Stomach in Superman position while setting to wall - 20 touches

    When you've completed your workout:  TEXT me - The most "critical" technique cue to take away from her lesson AND which of the these drills you found the easiest AND which one you found the most difficult.

    Monday, 20 April 2020

    Volleyball - Tuesday April 21

    Fitness Free Tuesday!!!

    Alright - we are going to work a bit more on setting today.  This video is not great quality and is designed for coaches and setters but has good information for all and she demonstrates and explains the technique of setting very well.   The technique she encourages is the technique that you see used by setters at a high level.  Please watch the video all the way through (sorry, I know it's not very exciting) and then progress through the drills in the order she demonstrates them.

    When it's time for you to perform the drill --- It will be most beneficial for you to (re-)watch her video one drill at a time, take note of the technique cues for each drill, pause the video after she explains each drill to perform the drill yourself. Work hard to use proper technique!  Repeat with the next drill.

    1. Rapid Fire to wall 100x
    2. Low/High (with weight transfer) against the wall 100x
    3. Single legs against the wall 10 sets of 10 continuous = 100x
    4. 50x right handed
    5.  50x left handed
    6.  Side set left 50x
    7.  Side set right 50x
    8.  Back set 100x
    9.  360 - 5x around each way = 10-360s.

     (***TEXT me 4 technique cues when you have completed these drills***)

    Leadership - Lesson #3

    Lesson #3 - Seek First to Understand (1st half of Habit #5) = BEING A GOOD LISTENER!

    If we have made "Think Win-Win" a habit, then this next habit will be much easier to achieve. In order for the other person to "win" you will need to find out what they want/need, and in order for you to "win", you will have to share what you want/need.  Therefore, communication is necessary and important to good relationships.  Stress and dysfunction in relationships are often the result of poor communication.  Since the Public Victory is about building healthy relationships with others,  how can we become better communicators?

    1.  Check out the video below.  How much simpler would this situation have been if each "person" had asked about the other's intentions and communicated their thoughts rather than making assumptions?

    When you hear the word, "communication", do you imagine someone speaking or listening?  Most of us likely imagine speaking, but the KEY to communication is in understanding the other person.  When both people seek to understand - communication just works better. 

    Seek First to Understand - We will start by examining the most important aspect of communication ... LISTENING.

    2.  Read pages 164-178 of your "7 Habits" book.

    3. Print off the Listening Note sheet and fill it in as you read.

    4.  "the deepest need of the human heart is to be understood.  Everyone wants to be respected and valued for who they are..."  (7 Habits, p. 165)

    So how do we achieve this?  Let's take a closer look at GENUINE LISTENING.  By practicing the following 3 things, we can improve our listening skills and therefore, our ability to understand others.  

    a.  Listen with your eyes, heart and ears.  Since words only account for 7% of the message, we need to practice listening better with our eyes and heart - what is the person's body language telling us?  Simply being aware of the importance of body language is a step towards becoming a better listener.

    Try the quiz found at the following link.  (Take note of your results - this will be part of your assignment).


    b.  Stand in their shoes.  This means to listen with EMPATHY.  Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else's situation and understand and share his/her feelings.  

    Brene Brown is a prominent researcher in this area.  In this short video, she explains the difference between SYMPATHY and EMPATHY.

    c.  Mirroring.  When we mirror, it's vey important to reflect back, not only the meaningof what has been said, but also the feelings of the person.  This lets the person know that we have heard and understood them correctly.

    Look at the worksheet found at the following link.  What feelings do you think are being communicated in each of the examples?  Write an appropriate response that reflects back both meaning and feelings for TWO of the examples.


    1. How did you score on the "Reading Facial Expressions" Quiz?  Explain where your "skill" level is presently at?

    2.  Explain the difference between "Empathy" and "Sympathy".  

    3.  Complete the Mirroring Worksheet.

    *I will upload the Notes and Mirroring Worksheets to "Assignments" in Teams which may make it easier for you to complete online.  You can submit your assignment by sharing with me on Office 365 or completing it through Teams.

    Sunday, 19 April 2020

    PE 8 - Monday April 20

    PE 8 - Workout of the Day

    Focus:  Cardio


    Fill in your PE Journal and submit!

    Check Teams for your weekly video assignment.

    Volleyball - Monday April 20

    Happy Monday!

    Warm-up - your choice

    Workout - Agility

    Watch the following video, paying close attention to the drills mentioned below:

    15 Agility Drills that you can do within 10 sq. ft.

    Find 4 objects that you can use for cones.  Place them in a square (like the cones in the video).

    1. Hip Switch
    2. Linear Hop
    3. Shuffle Stick
    4. 2 in, 2 out
    5. in, in, out, out
    6. 4 corner skater

    For each drill you will;
    •  exercise at high intensity for 20 sec / rest for 10 sec
    • do 3 sets in a row before moving on to the next exercise

    Volleyball Control Drills

    • 100 sets to ground
    • 100 sets while standing, then going to your knees, to your bum and then lying down, back to bum, back to knees, back to standing, repeat until you have 100 contacts.
    • 50 left volleyball groove touches
    • 50 right volleyball groove touches
    • 50 passes to self
    • place a piece of paper on wall (as a target) with painter's tape, sticky-tack, or something that won't hurt the wall.  50 forearm passes to target, move target higher, 50 passes to target.
    • alternate pass/set to self - 100 touches
    • 20 pancakes - toss ball, let it bounce, then pancake when it's about to bounce the second time.
    • block jumps, using correct footwork - moving side to side. 10 blocks, then rest.  x3
    • 20 spike approaches trying to touch something high

    Thursday, 16 April 2020

    PE 8 - Workout of the Day - Friday April 17

    Happy Friday, Everyone!!!

    Today's Focus:  HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)


    Have a great workout and don't forget to submit your PE Journal.

    Volleyball - Friday April 17

    Warm -up - your choice

    Workout - watch the following video all the way through:  Animal Walk Exercises

    Choose 4 from this list:  Practice each of the 4 movements before beginning the circuit.
    • Bunny Hop 
    • Crab Walk 
    • Horse Walk,
    • Crouching Tiger 
    • Bear Crab Roll
    • Monkey Roll
    • Chameleon (CHALLENGE! - this looks insanely difficult!)
    You are going to make a circuit out of these 4 exercises.  Make sure you choose a location where you have plenty of space and can move forward and backwards.
    • 1st exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest
    • 2nd exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest
    • 3rd exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest
    • 4th exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest
    • discontinue if an exercise is causing sharp pain in your knees, shoulders or lower back.  
    Volleyball Control Drills  (Courtesy of: Nolan.  Thanks, Nolan!)

    Then try some pepper against a wall:  pass to wall, set to wall, hit to wall and dig up.

    Wednesday, 15 April 2020

    PE 8 - Thursday April 16

    Workout of the Day

    Focus:  Flexibility


    Please remember to log your activity on the PE Journal.

    Volleyball - Thursday April 16

    Warm-up - your choice

    Agility- find a 3m space.  Place an object or a piece of tape on one side of the space and another 3m away.  Side touches - stay low, try to keep shoulders and head from bobbing.  30 seconds on 30 seconds off x 4 sets.

    Plyometrics - Lunge jumps + Squat jumps - 10 reps x 4 sets.

    Core - front plank x 1 minute, right side plank x 1 minute, left side plank x 1 minute, front plank x 1 minute.

    Volleyball Control Drills

    Setting: lying on your back 
    • low and quick continuous sets to self (100x)
    • higher and slower paced continuous sets to self (100x)
    • high sets that graze the ceiling (if ok with parents) continuous, if possible (30x)
    • continuous setting to self while doing slow sit ups (25 sit ups)
    • continuous setting to self while bringing knees up and then extending legs to the floor (20x)
    Passing:  done while remaining in ready position
    • continuous passing to self without moving feet - one foot can pivot, if needed (100x)
    • continuous passing while moving forward and back (100x)
    • continuous passing while shuffling side to side (pass, shuffle, freeze, pass, repeat) (100x)
    Combos:  done while standing up 
    • pass to self, set to self, right hand touch (like a tip), left hand touch, bounce off forehead, repeat continuously (50x)