Workout - watch the following video all the way through: Animal Walk Exercises
Choose 4 from this list: Practice each of the 4 movements before beginning the circuit.
- Bunny Hop
- Crab Walk
- Horse Walk,
- Crouching Tiger
- Bear Crab Roll
- Monkey Roll
- Chameleon (CHALLENGE! - this looks insanely difficult!)
You are going to make a circuit out of these 4 exercises. Make sure you choose a location where you have plenty of space and can move forward and backwards.
- 1st exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest
- 2nd exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest
- 3rd exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest
- 4th exercise - 40 sec on, 20 sec rest