Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Volleyball - Wednesday/Thursday June 17/18

For those of you planning on attending class Wednesday and/or Thursday - you are NOT expected to work out either day.  For those of you who are not planning on coming to class, please complete this workout either Wednesday or Thursday.

A reminder to everyone to complete your 3 volleyball assignments.  Last day to hand them in:  Friday June 19.

Warm-up:  your choice

Fitness:  HIIT workout.  Perform each exercise at a high intensity - go through the entire set before resting.  Rest for 1-2 minutes, repeat 5-7x.

  • 10 mountain climbers (10 each leg)
  • 5 jump squats
  • 20 jumping jacks
  • 10 mountain climbers (10 each leg)
  • 10 plank shoulder taps (5 each arm)
  • 5 lunge jumps (5 each leg)
  • 10 climbers (10 each leg)
  • 5 jump squats
  • 20 jumping jacks
Volleyball Control Drills:

  • Sitting on the ground - continuous setting while doing sit ups - 100 contacts
  • Sitting on ground - right arm Vball groove, left arm Vball groove, pass to self, set to self, repeat continuously - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - set to self - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - pass to self - 100 contacts
  • Stand to squat while setting to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
  • Stand to squat while passing to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - alternate passing and setting to self - 100 contacts
  • While lying on your back - set to yourself - 100 contacts
  • While standing with feet planted - alternate right arm Vball groove to left arm Vball groove contact - 100 contacts
  • From kneeling position, set to self - 100 contacts
  • From kneeling position, pass to self - 100 contacts
  • 20 spike approaches (4 sets of 5 reps)
  • 20 block jumps - move side to side (4 sets of 5 reps)

Volleyball Challenge:  

Pass to self, Set to self, Tip (or Roll Shot or pokey or bounce off forehead) to self, left arm contact, right arm contact, REPEAT.  TEXT me your max continuous contacts.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Volleyball - Tuesday June 16

Fitness Free Tuesday!

Hey guys - check out Parker's "volleyball contraption" - It's AWESOME!!!  Talk about "helpful"!

Volleyball Control Drills:

Option 1 - partner or wall
  • set to self, set to partner (or wall, if no partner) - 100 contacts (between you and your partner)
  • sets continuous - 100 contacts (between you and your partner or wall, if no partner)
  • set to self, turn 180, backset to partner - 100 contacts (between you and your partner or wall if not partner)
  • 100 forearm (volleyball groove) contacts back and forth between you and your partner (or wall, if no partner)
  • forearm passing - 3m apart - 100 passes (between the two of you), 6m apart - 100 passes (between the two of you), 9m apart - 100 passes (between the two of you) (if no experienced partner, have someone toss for you at these different distances)
  • turn and dig - face away from your partner, get him/her to say "go" and then turn 180 and dig - 30 digs (if your partner is not an experienced Vball player - have them toss ball against a wall while you face the wall and then dig up the ball)
  • Play pepper (if partner is experienced) or have partner toss, you pass to self, set to self and hit or tip ball back.

Option 2 - no partner or wall

Setting: lying on your back 
  • low and quick continuous sets to self (100x)
  • higher and slower paced continuous sets to self (100x)
  • high sets that graze the ceiling (if ok with parents) continuous, if possible (30x)
  • continuous setting to self while doing slow sit ups (25 sit ups)
  • continuous setting to self while bringing knees up and then extending legs to the floor (20x)
Passing:  done while remaining in ready position
  • continuous passing to self without moving feet - one foot can pivot, if needed (100x)
  • continuous passing while moving forward and back (100x)
  • continuous passing while shuffling side to side (pass, shuffle, freeze, pass, repeat) (100x)
Combos:  done while standing up 
  • pass to self, set to self, right hand touch (like a tip), left hand touch, bounce off forehead, repeat continuously (50x)

Challenge of the Day:  You can choose to do this with or without a partner.

How many one arm contacts can you get in a row from a sitting position? TEXT me your max contacts and indicate whether this was with or without a partner.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Volleyball - Monday, June 15

Warm-up: Your choice

Fitness:  You don't need to watch the video before working out - just follow along with her as you watch it.  No equipment needed.

Volleyball Control Drills:

Warm-up Drills:

  • 100x sets to self
  • 100x passes to self
  • 100x set/pass alternate to self
  • 20 serve tosses (for whatever type of serve you usually do)
  • 5 spike approaches (2-4 step) x 4 sets

  • 1. Setting Sit-ups 
  • 2. Lay down, Stand up - Setting
  • 3. Lay down, Stand up - Single-arm contacts
  • 4. Setting Scissors
  • 5. Alternating single arm contacts with head bounce

TEXT me your favourite challenge once you've completed the workout.

Thursday, 11 June 2020



Hi There:  Well, this is it - your last assignment for LEADERSHIP.  I hope that you have found some benefit to this course and these assignments.  I remember the first time I read the "7 Habits" book - I learned so much and it all made so much sense - that's why I based the course on them.  GOOD LUCK with it all - may the HABITS that you develop be EFFECTIVE and bring you much happiness, health and success both in your personal and work life!!!

 Now that you have developed an understanding of the 7 Habits - it's time to reflect on where YOU are at with each of the 7 Habits.  Please complete the Reflection Assignment found at the link below.


Please remember - you are NOT being marked on where you are in the development of your Habits - just on your ability to REFLECT on them.

I'll post the assignment on teams as well.

Volleyball - Friday June 12

Today's workout comes from Claire - thanks Claire!

Warm-up – your choice  


Do 3x and take a 1-minute break each time 
  • 15 burpees  
  • 25 jump squats  
  • 40 crunches  
  • 60 high knees  
  • 40 sit ups  
  • 20 jumping lunges  (10 each leg)
  • 15 burpees  
  • 50 jumping jacks  
  • 1 minute plank 
  • 1 minute wall sit  
  • 50 jumping jacks  
  • 50x sets while laying down on the ground  
  • 50x to the wall 
  • 30x small set, medium set, high set 
  • 100x sets  
  • 50x left arm pass  
  • 50x right arm pass 
  • 100x pass to the wall 
  • 100x Pass-set-pass  
Challenge of the day  

Pass as high as you can and try to put on a shirt  (may need more than one pass in order to accomplish this :) 

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Volleyball - Wednesday/Thursday June 10/11

Warm-up:  your Choice

No fitness as you did fitness Monday and Tuesday - However, if you missed one of these days - please complete the fitness workout from that day.

Volleyball Control Drills:  
For those of you who are planning on attending class today and/or tomorrow, you are not expected to complete a workout for Wednesday or Thursday.  For anyone who is not planning on being at school, please look back over the past 2 months and choose a set of Volleyball Control Drills to complete.  TEXT me the date of the workout that you chose.

Challenge of the Day:
Again, if you are not planning on coming to school either Wednesday or Thursday, please choose a challenge from the past month.  TEXT me the description of the challenge and # of contacts you were able to achieve.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Volleyball - Tuesday June 9

Fitness:  Follow along with this workout - it's approximately 25 minutes long.

Volleyball Control Drills:

Option #1 - With a partner

Option #2 - If you don't have a partner, try this one:

  • Sitting on the ground - continuous setting while doing sit ups - 100 contacts
  • Sitting on ground - right arm Vball groove, left arm Vball groove, pass to self, set to self, repeat continuously - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - set to self - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - pass to self - 100 contacts
  • Stand to squat while setting to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
  • Stand to squat while passing to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - alternate passing and setting to self - 100 contacts
  • While lying on your back - set to yourself - 100 contacts
  • While standing with feet planted - alternate right arm Vball groove to left arm Vball groove contact - 100 contacts
  • From kneeling position, set to self - 100 contacts
  • From kneeling position, pass to self - 100 contacts

Volleyball Challenge: 

With a partner - facing your partner making one arm contacts.   TEXT me the number of one arm contacts can you get in a row, alternating contacts with your partner.

Without a partner - Set ball to yourself, kick ball up to yourself, forearm pass to self, repeat.  TEXT me your max contacts in a row.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Volleyball - Monday June 8

Warm-up: your choice

Skipping (or pretend skipping) for 1 min.
15 sec. rest
Alternating Lunge jumps for 30 sec.
15 sec. rest
Mountain Climbers for 30 sec.
15 sec. rest
Jumping Jacks for 1 min.
15 sec. rest
Squat jumps for 30 sec.
15 sec rest
Plank Jacks for 30 sec.
15 sec. rest

REPEAT 3X - 5X (depending on how energetic you're feeling)

Volleyball Control Drills:

  • alternate left forearm/right forearm contacts - 100 contacts
  • right forearm, left forearm, pass to self, set to self, repeat - 100 contacts
  • right forearm, left forearm, pass to self, set to self, catch behind back - full set 20x
  • from knees - alternate low forearm pass to self, high forearm pass to self- 100 contacts
  • from knees - alternate low set to self, high set to self- 100 contacts
  • sitting facing wall - light overhand serve to wall, set it when it comes back and continue to set while doing a sit up.  Once back up, set yourself up to serve again, repeat 50x

Challenge of the Day: (Thanks, Rylee!)

Done against a wall.  Ball contacts wall in between each touch.

Forearm pass, wall, right arm forearm contact, wall, left arm forearm contact, wall, set, wall, hit, repeat.  TEXT me max # of contacts.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Volleyball - Friday June 5

Warm-up: your choice

Fitness:  You can do this in place (imagine a box) or moving forward (as you would with an agility ladder);

Fast feet drill:  15 reps x 3

  • in in out out, 
  • slalom, 
  • hopscotch, 
  • icky shuffle
Circuit:  go through the circuit 3x
  • finger plank - 1 minute
  • finger pushups - 10x
  • stair hops - 10x
  • lunge jumps, squat jump 10x
  • two foot long jump 10x

Volleyball Control Drills:
  • 100 sets to the ground
  • 100 sets to the air
  • 100 sets to the wall
  • 50 single arm passes (per side)
  • 100 passes to wall
  • 100 one hand sets in arc shape (per arm)
  • 5 small sets to 1 high set x 25
  • one knee down, passes against wall x 50 per side
  • hit against wall and pass up x 40
Challenge for the Day: 
  • right arm pass, set, left arm pass - repeat continuously
  • TEXT me max number of contacts

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Volleyball - Wednesday/Thursday, June 3/4

I'll post one workout for both Wednesday and Thursday (hopefully, I'll get to see you one of those days).  I don't expect you to do a workout on the day you're scheduled to come to class.

Warm-up:  your choice.


Agility- find a 3m space.  Place an object or a piece of tape on one side of the space and another 3m away.  Side touches - stay low, try to keep shoulders and head from bobbing.  30 seconds on 30 seconds off x 3 sets.

Plyometrics - Lunge jumps + Squat jumps - 10 reps x 3 sets.

Core - front plank x 1 minute, right side plank x 1 minute, left side plank x 1 minute, front plank x 1 minute.

Volleyball Control Drills:

  • 100 sets to the ground
  • 100 sets to the air - can choose to do these standing or lying on your back
  • alternate high/low sets x50 - can choose to do these standing or lying on your back
  • 100 forearm contacts (alternate arms) 
  • 3 point passing to yourself (pass to yourself, turn 90 degrees and pass, turn 90 degrees, etc) x 50
  • 180 degree passing to yourself x50
  • Pass to self, set to self, spike to wall continuous x 50
  • No ball needed - Block jumps* against a wall - side to side - either shuffle steps or swing blocking. 1 set = 8 jumps x 3 sets.

Challenge of the Day:

TEXT me your max number of scissor sets (when you lie on your back and alternately bring up one leg, while reaching around that raised leg to set).

Leadership - Assignment #8 - Sharpen the Saw


This Habit, "Sharpen the Saw",  is all about taking care of yourself so that you can be the best "you".

1.  Read pages 206-241 in your "7 Habits" book. 

2.  Print off and complete the "Sharpen the Saw" note sheet as you read.

Sharpen the Saw note sheet
Let's use a few videos to learn more about each of the 4 dimensions of health.  I found this great group of videos by "Wellcast" - they're fairly short but have lots of good info in them. Please watch each of the ones posted here to better understand the different dimensions of health.

The Physical and Mental Dimension - The BODY and the BRAIN.

The Emotional Dimension - The HEART

The Spiritual Dimension

ASSIGNMENT -  There are two parts to this assignment.  You may use the assignment template found at the link below.

a)  Check out the full assortment of "Wellcast" videos (there's 147 to choose from) on YouTube.  Choose 3 (different from the ones I've chosen for the lesson) that interest you.  Provide me with the title of the video and a brief summary about what you learned from it.

b)  For EACH of the 4 dimensions of health - I want you to come up with 5 activities that YOU would/could take part in (at home, at school, in our community, in nature) to re-energize yourself in each of the different dimensions.

I will post the note sheet and the assignment on Teams.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Volleyball - Tuesday June 2

Warm-up:  up to you.

Volleyball Control Drills:

  • 100x continuous sets to the ground
  • 50x continuous sets in the air - hands remain high and as still as possible (only wrists and fingers move)
  • 50 x set, turn 180, set, turn 180, continuous (hands high and still)
  • 100x medium height sets continuously against a wall (hands high and still - weight shifts from left-> right as you push the ball to the wall) 
  • 50x set to self while doing sit ups
  • 50x right "Vball groove" passes off a wall
  • 50x left "Vball groove" passes off a wall
  • 100x pass to self
  • 50x passes off wall from L kneeling, R foot at right angle, platform to the right of torso
  • 50x passes off wall from R kneeling, L foot at right angle, platform to the left of torso
  • pass to wall, set to wall, light roll shot to wall, continue - 50 touches
  • Block jumps against a wall - shuffle side to side - 3 sets x 8 jumps
  • Block jumps against a wall - swing block moving side to side (using correct footwork) - 3 sets x 8 jumps

  • Challenge for the Day:   (Thanks for this suggestion, Rylee!)

    How many one arm contacts can you get in a row from a sitting position?  

    TEXT me your max contacts in a row.

    Sunday, 31 May 2020

    Volleyball - Monday June 1

    Warm-up:  You choose.


    HIIT - Push hard during the 30 seconds of exercise and then take the full 30 seconds rest to recover.

    • Block jumps against a wall (stationary or side to side) - 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest x3
    • Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest x3
    • Lunge jumps (alternating right/left) - 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest x3
    • Plank jacks - 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest x3
    • Spike Approaches (3-4 step approach - OH, 2 step approach - M) - 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest x 3
    • Squat jumps - 30 seconds on/30 seconds rest x3
    Volleyball Control Drills:

    • Sitting on the ground - continuous setting while doing sit ups - 100 contacts
    • Sitting on ground - right arm Vball groove, left arm Vball groove, pass to self, set to self, repeat continuously - 100 contacts
    • While seated on a couch - set to self - 100 contacts
    • While seated on a couch - pass to self - 100 contacts
    • Stand to squat while setting to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
    • Stand to squat while passing to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
    • While seated on a couch - alternate passing and setting to self - 100 contacts
    • While lying on your back - set to yourself - 100 contacts
    • While standing with feet planted - alternate right arm Vball groove to left arm Vball groove contact - 100 contacts
    • From kneeling position, set to self - 100 contacts
    • From kneeling position, pass to self - 100 contacts

    Challenge of the Day: (From Paige - Thanks, Paige!!!)

    Hit the ball against the wall, pass/dig it up to self, bounce it off your forehead, set it to self, hit against the wall, continue...  

    TEXT me your max contacts in a row.

    Good Luck!