Monday, 8 June 2020

Volleyball - Tuesday June 9

Fitness:  Follow along with this workout - it's approximately 25 minutes long.

Volleyball Control Drills:

Option #1 - With a partner

Option #2 - If you don't have a partner, try this one:

  • Sitting on the ground - continuous setting while doing sit ups - 100 contacts
  • Sitting on ground - right arm Vball groove, left arm Vball groove, pass to self, set to self, repeat continuously - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - set to self - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - pass to self - 100 contacts
  • Stand to squat while setting to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
  • Stand to squat while passing to self (feet must remain planted) - 100 contacts
  • While seated on a couch - alternate passing and setting to self - 100 contacts
  • While lying on your back - set to yourself - 100 contacts
  • While standing with feet planted - alternate right arm Vball groove to left arm Vball groove contact - 100 contacts
  • From kneeling position, set to self - 100 contacts
  • From kneeling position, pass to self - 100 contacts

Volleyball Challenge: 

With a partner - facing your partner making one arm contacts.   TEXT me the number of one arm contacts can you get in a row, alternating contacts with your partner.

Without a partner - Set ball to yourself, kick ball up to yourself, forearm pass to self, repeat.  TEXT me your max contacts in a row.