Monday, 1 June 2020

Volleyball - Tuesday June 2

Warm-up:  up to you.

Volleyball Control Drills:

  • 100x continuous sets to the ground
  • 50x continuous sets in the air - hands remain high and as still as possible (only wrists and fingers move)
  • 50 x set, turn 180, set, turn 180, continuous (hands high and still)
  • 100x medium height sets continuously against a wall (hands high and still - weight shifts from left-> right as you push the ball to the wall) 
  • 50x set to self while doing sit ups
  • 50x right "Vball groove" passes off a wall
  • 50x left "Vball groove" passes off a wall
  • 100x pass to self
  • 50x passes off wall from L kneeling, R foot at right angle, platform to the right of torso
  • 50x passes off wall from R kneeling, L foot at right angle, platform to the left of torso
  • pass to wall, set to wall, light roll shot to wall, continue - 50 touches
  • Block jumps against a wall - shuffle side to side - 3 sets x 8 jumps
  • Block jumps against a wall - swing block moving side to side (using correct footwork) - 3 sets x 8 jumps

  • Challenge for the Day:   (Thanks for this suggestion, Rylee!)

    How many one arm contacts can you get in a row from a sitting position?  

    TEXT me your max contacts in a row.