October 31, 2016
-Students received their Middle Ages project outline today. Lots of topic options and flexibility in how they demonstrate what they've learned about their subject.
-We spent the entire class working on projects in the IT Lab. Students will receive 3 more classes to work on their projects in the computer lab. Projects will be due: Tuesday November 8
Monday, 31 October 2016
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Socials 8
October 26, 2016
-We spent the first half in the library working on the student's "Comic Life" assignment. If not completed today then due: Monday Oct. 31
-Second half we worked in study groups going over major concepts and preparing for the test on Friday Oct 28 on Chapter 2 - the High Middle Ages.
-A reminder that tomorrow at lunch -Thursday Oct. 27 - there will be a study session in room 309 - please attend if you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming test.
-We spent the first half in the library working on the student's "Comic Life" assignment. If not completed today then due: Monday Oct. 31
-Second half we worked in study groups going over major concepts and preparing for the test on Friday Oct 28 on Chapter 2 - the High Middle Ages.
-A reminder that tomorrow at lunch -Thursday Oct. 27 - there will be a study session in room 309 - please attend if you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming test.
Planning 10
Putting First Things First is about two things - a) Learning to prioritize and manage your time wisely and b) making good decisions that are in tune with your values and will move you towards your goals and mission statement.
Let's start off with a video that I found quite interesting and certainly relevant to this chapter.
The first half of the chapter - Time Management
1. Read pages 106-116 in your "7 Habits" book.
2. As you read, fill in information about the key concepts on your Habit 3 Notes Sheet (link below).
Habit 3 Notes
3. Where do YOU spend most of your time? Are you a PROCRASTINATOR, a YES-MAN, a SLACKER or a PRIORITIZER?
Both the speaker and your book talks about the importance of getting out of your Comfort Zone and into your Courage Zone in order to make changes that you want to make in your life, take advantage of opportunities and reach your potential.
6. ASSIGNMENT (10 marks)- Using the website at the link below, create TWO Word Collages. The first one lists at least 20 things that you do that are in your COMFORT ZONE, the second, lists at least 20 things that would be in your COURAGE ZONE -- things that will, in the long run, benefit you but that you find somewhat intimidating, difficult or uncomfortable. (Please make your Word Art look cool!)
Word Art
You can submit your assignment by;
Putting First Things First is about two things - a) Learning to prioritize and manage your time wisely and b) making good decisions that are in tune with your values and will move you towards your goals and mission statement.
Let's start off with a video that I found quite interesting and certainly relevant to this chapter.
The first half of the chapter - Time Management
1. Read pages 106-116 in your "7 Habits" book.
2. As you read, fill in information about the key concepts on your Habit 3 Notes Sheet (link below).
Habit 3 Notes
3. Where do YOU spend most of your time? Are you a PROCRASTINATOR, a YES-MAN, a SLACKER or a PRIORITIZER?
- Are you happy with the way you presently spend your time? Are you using it to work towards achieving you Mission Statement? Your goals? On things that you truly value? If not - why not?
The second half of the chapter - Decision Making
4. Read the rest of the chapter in your "7 Habits" book - pages 116-127 and complete the rest of the note sheet.
5. Watch this TED talk video - Although this speech is geared more towards adults, she makes some great points about making decisions and what it takes to follow through with them -- valuable information for all of us!
Both the speaker and your book talks about the importance of getting out of your Comfort Zone and into your Courage Zone in order to make changes that you want to make in your life, take advantage of opportunities and reach your potential.
6. ASSIGNMENT (10 marks)- Using the website at the link below, create TWO Word Collages. The first one lists at least 20 things that you do that are in your COMFORT ZONE, the second, lists at least 20 things that would be in your COURAGE ZONE -- things that will, in the long run, benefit you but that you find somewhat intimidating, difficult or uncomfortable. (Please make your Word Art look cool!)
Word Art
You can submit your assignment by;
- Office 365
- by printing it off and placing it in the Planning 10 folder in the office
7. Just one more video I found - maybe a bit of a chic flick .... but it's cute .... and optional :)
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Socials 8
October 24, 2016
-Today students used the entire class to work on;
-Today students used the entire class to work on;
- their Comic Life project (about King John and the Magna Carta) - due Monday Oct 31
- the Chapter 2 - High Middle Ages - Timeline
- their study sheet for the upcoming High Middle Ages TEST - Friday Oct 28.
-Students will be given class time to work on their Comic Life project on Tuesday and Wednesday.
-The second half of Wednesday's class will be used for study time for Friday's test.
-There will be a lunch time study session on Thursday Oct 27 for those students wanting more preparation for the test on Friday.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Planning 10
Once you make it a habit to take responsibility for your life and adopt a "CAN-DO" attitude (Habit #1), it's time to decide where you want to go and what you want to do with your life (Habit #2). This lesson will ask you to examine your values, write a Mission Statement, and set some goals.
But first a cute video that demonstrates, Beginning with the End in Mind....
Sorry - I couldn't get the video to embed but you can view it by clicking on the Watch on YouTube link.
Just a heads up - this lesson is the longest so far... please be patient and work through it. I promise to make the next lesson shorter.
1. You can print off and fill out the Notes sheet (found at the link below) as you work through the chapter. It will help you to remember the key points about the material you are reading.
Habit #2 Notes Sheet
Let's start by looking at Values
2. Read pages 74-80 of your "7 Habits" book.
3. Print off the Values Clarification Exercise on the link below and complete the exercise. This exercise will help you to identify some of your values and the characteristics of those values.
Values Clarification Exercise
Now let's check out what a Mission Statement is.... and get you to write one of your own.
4. Read pages 80-94 of your "7 Habits" book. Take some time to think about answers to the questions in the "Great Discovery".
In addition to the examples found in your "7 Habits" book, the link below will provide you with some more examples of Mission Statements.
Sample Mission Statements
5. Now get started on writing your own Mission Statement - remember it doesn't have to look or sound like the examples - it is unique for each individual. You are creating a statement that says what your life is about - perhaps it hints to your values, your purpose, your identity.... whatever inspires or motivates you....
If you're having a difficult time getting started, check out the 4 methods suggested in the book on page 90. If you're still struggling, move on to the next section, goal setting, and then come back to this after. Sometimes it helps to work from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
Goal Setting - Goals are smaller chunks of your Mission Statement. In fact, it is your goals that will help you to "live" your Mission Statement. Goals are specific and measurable things that you want to accomplish. They can be short term (example: get this Planning 10 lesson completed before I go to bed tonight) or long term (example: travel to Australia before I turn 30). There are "keys to goal setting" as well as different ways to write goals to make them more "achievable". We will look at all of these aspects of goal setting.
6. Read pages 94-103 of your "7 Habits" book and fill in the 5 Keys to Goal Setting on your Notes sheet.
7. Read the article at the link below. Make sure you understand the difference between a Personal Performance goal and a Personal Outcome goal and define each on your Notes sheet.
Go for the Goals you Control
8. Learn about what makes a goal "specific" and "measurable" from the worksheet at the link below.
Designing Specific and Measurable Goals
9. Now - complete your own "Bucket List" - make sure the goals you list are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE and PERSONAL PERFORMANCE oriented.
Alright - hopefully you understand what it means to "Begin with the End in Mind", have identified your values, developed a mission statement and set some goals. Now it's time to put it all together into the assignment.
10. ASSIGNMENT - CD Cover (20 marks)
Using a 20cm x 20cm piece of cardstock, create a CD Cover that communicates your Mission Statement, Values and Goals. (I'll put some cut card stock into the Planning 10 folder in the office in case you can't find any of your own.)
On the front of your cardstock;
* Design your cover using images that represent different aspects of you.
* The title of the CD will be your MISSION STATEMENT (or, if your Mission Statement is long, an important phrase from it). **If you're entire mission statement won't fit on your CD cover - please include it on a separate piece of paper when you hand in your CD cover.
Using made up (not real) titles and artist/group names, on the back of your cardstock:
* Create (at least 10) song titles that express your GOALS.
* The artist of each song will represent your VALUES.
If you need help or more explanation, please come and see me.
Please submit your CD Cover to the Planning 10 folder in the office.
Once you make it a habit to take responsibility for your life and adopt a "CAN-DO" attitude (Habit #1), it's time to decide where you want to go and what you want to do with your life (Habit #2). This lesson will ask you to examine your values, write a Mission Statement, and set some goals.
But first a cute video that demonstrates, Beginning with the End in Mind....
Sorry - I couldn't get the video to embed but you can view it by clicking on the Watch on YouTube link.
Just a heads up - this lesson is the longest so far... please be patient and work through it. I promise to make the next lesson shorter.
1. You can print off and fill out the Notes sheet (found at the link below) as you work through the chapter. It will help you to remember the key points about the material you are reading.
Habit #2 Notes Sheet
Let's start by looking at Values
2. Read pages 74-80 of your "7 Habits" book.
3. Print off the Values Clarification Exercise on the link below and complete the exercise. This exercise will help you to identify some of your values and the characteristics of those values.
Values Clarification Exercise
Now let's check out what a Mission Statement is.... and get you to write one of your own.
4. Read pages 80-94 of your "7 Habits" book. Take some time to think about answers to the questions in the "Great Discovery".
In addition to the examples found in your "7 Habits" book, the link below will provide you with some more examples of Mission Statements.
Sample Mission Statements
5. Now get started on writing your own Mission Statement - remember it doesn't have to look or sound like the examples - it is unique for each individual. You are creating a statement that says what your life is about - perhaps it hints to your values, your purpose, your identity.... whatever inspires or motivates you....
If you're having a difficult time getting started, check out the 4 methods suggested in the book on page 90. If you're still struggling, move on to the next section, goal setting, and then come back to this after. Sometimes it helps to work from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
Goal Setting - Goals are smaller chunks of your Mission Statement. In fact, it is your goals that will help you to "live" your Mission Statement. Goals are specific and measurable things that you want to accomplish. They can be short term (example: get this Planning 10 lesson completed before I go to bed tonight) or long term (example: travel to Australia before I turn 30). There are "keys to goal setting" as well as different ways to write goals to make them more "achievable". We will look at all of these aspects of goal setting.
6. Read pages 94-103 of your "7 Habits" book and fill in the 5 Keys to Goal Setting on your Notes sheet.
7. Read the article at the link below. Make sure you understand the difference between a Personal Performance goal and a Personal Outcome goal and define each on your Notes sheet.
Go for the Goals you Control
8. Learn about what makes a goal "specific" and "measurable" from the worksheet at the link below.
Designing Specific and Measurable Goals
9. Now - complete your own "Bucket List" - make sure the goals you list are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE and PERSONAL PERFORMANCE oriented.
Alright - hopefully you understand what it means to "Begin with the End in Mind", have identified your values, developed a mission statement and set some goals. Now it's time to put it all together into the assignment.
10. ASSIGNMENT - CD Cover (20 marks)
Using a 20cm x 20cm piece of cardstock, create a CD Cover that communicates your Mission Statement, Values and Goals. (I'll put some cut card stock into the Planning 10 folder in the office in case you can't find any of your own.)
On the front of your cardstock;
* Design your cover using images that represent different aspects of you.
* The title of the CD will be your MISSION STATEMENT (or, if your Mission Statement is long, an important phrase from it). **If you're entire mission statement won't fit on your CD cover - please include it on a separate piece of paper when you hand in your CD cover.
Using made up (not real) titles and artist/group names, on the back of your cardstock:
* Create (at least 10) song titles that express your GOALS.
* The artist of each song will represent your VALUES.
If you need help or more explanation, please come and see me.
Please submit your CD Cover to the Planning 10 folder in the office.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Planning 10
Being proactive means taking responsibility for your life and realizing that you are in charge of you. It's about NOT making excuses. It's about taking the initiative to create the life you want.
1. Read pages 48-72 in your "7 Habits" book.
2. Complete the note sheet found at the link below:
Be Proactive Worksheet
3. Check out this youtube video.
4. ASSIGNMENT: (10 marks)
a) How does this video clip exemplify what it means to be proactive?
b) Do you see yourself as more of a proactive or reactive person? Explain.
c) Reflecting back on the 52 principles you examined a few lessons ago - identify 3 principles that are found in habit #1 and explain why you chose them.
Please submit your assignment by;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Being proactive means taking responsibility for your life and realizing that you are in charge of you. It's about NOT making excuses. It's about taking the initiative to create the life you want.
1. Read pages 48-72 in your "7 Habits" book.
2. Complete the note sheet found at the link below:
Be Proactive Worksheet
3. Check out this youtube video.
4. ASSIGNMENT: (10 marks)
a) How does this video clip exemplify what it means to be proactive?
b) Do you see yourself as more of a proactive or reactive person? Explain.
c) Reflecting back on the 52 principles you examined a few lessons ago - identify 3 principles that are found in habit #1 and explain why you chose them.
Please submit your assignment by;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Socials 8
October 18, 2016
-Watched a bit more of the Crescent and the Cross documentary -video - completed the note sheet.
-Started watching "The Kingdom of Heaven" movie - set in 1184 after the second crusade - Jerusalem is ruled by the Christians at this point. Balian, a blacksmith from France who, on his journey to Jerusalem, has inherited his father's land and title of Baron. He has sworn an oath of allegiance upon his father's death to protect the King of Jerusalem as well as it's people.
-we will continue to watch the movie next class.
-Chapter 2 - The High Middle Ages TEST - set for Friday October 28th
-students will receive a study sheet and vocabulary for the test early next week.
-Watched a bit more of the Crescent and the Cross documentary -video - completed the note sheet.
-Started watching "The Kingdom of Heaven" movie - set in 1184 after the second crusade - Jerusalem is ruled by the Christians at this point. Balian, a blacksmith from France who, on his journey to Jerusalem, has inherited his father's land and title of Baron. He has sworn an oath of allegiance upon his father's death to protect the King of Jerusalem as well as it's people.
-we will continue to watch the movie next class.
-Chapter 2 - The High Middle Ages TEST - set for Friday October 28th
-students will receive a study sheet and vocabulary for the test early next week.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Planning 10
This section is all about learning to believe in yourself. It focuses on improving the relationship you have with you. It makes some really good suggestions on how you can "build" your personal bank account (aka: your self confidence). Once you see yourself as a capable human being, Habits #1, #2 and #3 will help you to achieve the life you want.
1. Read page 31-45 in your "7 Habits" book.
2. Part of building self-confidence is understanding yourself. Check out the personality test found at the following link:
Jung Personality Test
3. ASSIGNMENT (10 marks) - Take the test and determine your "type". Feel free to explore other Jung, Myers-Briggs 16 types personality tests or look up more information about your "type" on other websites.
a) Provide me with a brief explanation (of what each of the 4 letters means) about your personality type.
b) Discuss the parts of this "personality type" that you believe accurately describe you and those parts you disagree with.
Please submit your assignment by;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
This section is all about learning to believe in yourself. It focuses on improving the relationship you have with you. It makes some really good suggestions on how you can "build" your personal bank account (aka: your self confidence). Once you see yourself as a capable human being, Habits #1, #2 and #3 will help you to achieve the life you want.
1. Read page 31-45 in your "7 Habits" book.
2. Part of building self-confidence is understanding yourself. Check out the personality test found at the following link:
Jung Personality Test
3. ASSIGNMENT (10 marks) - Take the test and determine your "type". Feel free to explore other Jung, Myers-Briggs 16 types personality tests or look up more information about your "type" on other websites.
a) Provide me with a brief explanation (of what each of the 4 letters means) about your personality type.
b) Discuss the parts of this "personality type" that you believe accurately describe you and those parts you disagree with.
Please submit your assignment by;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Socials 8
October 17, 2016
-homework check
-went over worksheet in class (The Church, the Law and World Perspective in the High Middle Ages)
-looked at a map of the Middle East - students filled in their own map with the countries of the Middle East
-reviewed what we had learned about the Crusades
-began a History Channel Documentary on the Crusades - "The Crescent and the Cross".
-Students were given a note sheet to fill out as the watched the movie.
-homework check
-went over worksheet in class (The Church, the Law and World Perspective in the High Middle Ages)
-looked at a map of the Middle East - students filled in their own map with the countries of the Middle East
-reviewed what we had learned about the Crusades
-began a History Channel Documentary on the Crusades - "The Crescent and the Cross".
-Students were given a note sheet to fill out as the watched the movie.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Socials 8
October 14, 2016
-Students went to the library to play CATAN.
-Please make sure you have your worksheet on The Law, The Church and World Perspective done for Monday, Oct 17.
-Students went to the library to play CATAN.
-Please make sure you have your worksheet on The Law, The Church and World Perspective done for Monday, Oct 17.
Socials 8
October 13, 2016
-There was a homework check and then we went over the worksheet on Comparisons between different people of the Middle Ages.
-Students were given a new assignment on the Law, the Church and World Perspective of the High Middle Ages and class time to complete it. For those who weren't able to get it done - it is due on Monday Oct. 17.
-towards the end of class, I introduced, the Crusades and we discussed the significant and lasting effects these events would have on Western Europe. We also read this section of the textbook.
-next day students will be in the library with Mr. Wilson learning to play CATAN, a civilization building game. We did spend some time on the rules of this game and how to play so that students can have the majority of tomorrow's class to play.
-There was a homework check and then we went over the worksheet on Comparisons between different people of the Middle Ages.
-Students were given a new assignment on the Law, the Church and World Perspective of the High Middle Ages and class time to complete it. For those who weren't able to get it done - it is due on Monday Oct. 17.
-towards the end of class, I introduced, the Crusades and we discussed the significant and lasting effects these events would have on Western Europe. We also read this section of the textbook.
-next day students will be in the library with Mr. Wilson learning to play CATAN, a civilization building game. We did spend some time on the rules of this game and how to play so that students can have the majority of tomorrow's class to play.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Teacher Assistant 12
October 12, 2016
Hi All;
Thanks to those of you who got your Assignment #1 handed in. For those of you who have yet to complete it and hand it in, I ask that you do that soon, please.
I have handed out Assignment #2 to all of you. I hope by now you've had the chance to speak with your sponsor teacher and have some ideas to begin either creating your display or resources. Please remember this assignment is due October 24, 2016.
The evaluation that your teacher sponsor gives you will be worth 60% of your term mark. You can view the evaluation sheet at the link below. You may have to log into your Office 365 account to do this - I have shared the document with each of you through Office 365.
Teacher Assistant Evaluation Form
Please feel free to submit your assignments through the Office 365 account as well.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns or need any help with anything.
Hi All;
Thanks to those of you who got your Assignment #1 handed in. For those of you who have yet to complete it and hand it in, I ask that you do that soon, please.
I have handed out Assignment #2 to all of you. I hope by now you've had the chance to speak with your sponsor teacher and have some ideas to begin either creating your display or resources. Please remember this assignment is due October 24, 2016.
The evaluation that your teacher sponsor gives you will be worth 60% of your term mark. You can view the evaluation sheet at the link below. You may have to log into your Office 365 account to do this - I have shared the document with each of you through Office 365.
Teacher Assistant Evaluation Form
Please feel free to submit your assignments through the Office 365 account as well.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns or need any help with anything.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Socials 8
October 11, 2016
-Manor drawings were handed in.
-We went over the chapter 1 - Early Middle Ages TEST - please hold onto your test as it will be a great resource when it comes time to study for your final exam.
-students worked on a worksheet (using page 50-53 in their textbook) about the similarities and differences in daily life between a serf/freeholder, man/woman, and peasant/nobleman during the Middle Ages. This worksheet is due: Thursday Oct 13.
-We finished with some Canadian trivia.
Trivia Leaders: Arianna (who teamed up with Hunter for this one), Zoe, Jude, Isaac S., Devyn, Sonia, and Ethan.
-Manor drawings were handed in.
-We went over the chapter 1 - Early Middle Ages TEST - please hold onto your test as it will be a great resource when it comes time to study for your final exam.
-students worked on a worksheet (using page 50-53 in their textbook) about the similarities and differences in daily life between a serf/freeholder, man/woman, and peasant/nobleman during the Middle Ages. This worksheet is due: Thursday Oct 13.
-We finished with some Canadian trivia.
Trivia Leaders: Arianna (who teamed up with Hunter for this one), Zoe, Jude, Isaac S., Devyn, Sonia, and Ethan.
Planning 10
So, after completing Lesson #2, I hope you understand what a "paradigm" is and that when it comes to defining who you are - paradigms are not a good "foundation" to build upon. For example: To define yourself through your perceptions, such as rich/poor, smart/dumb, popular/not popular is meaningless - these terms do NOT describe YOU - the REAL you. The most reliable way to see yourself and make good life choices is to base them on PRINCIPLES. Principles are universal laws that are guaranteed not to fail you.
1. Read pages 24-27 in your "7 Habits" textbook.
2. We will have a look at 52 different principles. By completing the worksheet found at the following link, you will gain a better understanding of the meaning of each principle. Match each definition with the correct principle on the worksheet. (You may need to log in to your Office 365 account to access this worksheet.)
52 Principles
Once you have completed the worksheet, check your answers with the "key" that I will leave in the Planning folder in the office. Please do not remove the key from the office.
3. ASSIGNMENT: (15 marks)
a). Choose 5 Principles from the list that you possess and/or you consider very important. Find a quote for each of the 5, that motivates/inspires you to live up to this principle.
b). Print off the "Principles I see in you" sheet (3x) and give it to 3 different people that know you well (a teacher, a family member, a friend or an employer - each person should be from a different category). Ask them to check off what they consider to be your strongest virtues (principles). It's always interesting to find out if others see you the way you see you. Write a brief summary of what you have learned about yourself from others.
Principles I see in you
Please submit your assignment by;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
So, after completing Lesson #2, I hope you understand what a "paradigm" is and that when it comes to defining who you are - paradigms are not a good "foundation" to build upon. For example: To define yourself through your perceptions, such as rich/poor, smart/dumb, popular/not popular is meaningless - these terms do NOT describe YOU - the REAL you. The most reliable way to see yourself and make good life choices is to base them on PRINCIPLES. Principles are universal laws that are guaranteed not to fail you.
1. Read pages 24-27 in your "7 Habits" textbook.
2. We will have a look at 52 different principles. By completing the worksheet found at the following link, you will gain a better understanding of the meaning of each principle. Match each definition with the correct principle on the worksheet. (You may need to log in to your Office 365 account to access this worksheet.)
52 Principles
Once you have completed the worksheet, check your answers with the "key" that I will leave in the Planning folder in the office. Please do not remove the key from the office.
3. ASSIGNMENT: (15 marks)
a). Choose 5 Principles from the list that you possess and/or you consider very important. Find a quote for each of the 5, that motivates/inspires you to live up to this principle.
b). Print off the "Principles I see in you" sheet (3x) and give it to 3 different people that know you well (a teacher, a family member, a friend or an employer - each person should be from a different category). Ask them to check off what they consider to be your strongest virtues (principles). It's always interesting to find out if others see you the way you see you. Write a brief summary of what you have learned about yourself from others.
Principles I see in you
Please submit your assignment by;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Planning 10 Online
Before we tackle the "Habits" - it's important to better understand ourselves and be able to question how and why we think the way we think and act the way we act. One way we can do this is to examine our personal perceptions (aka, paradigms).
1. Read pages 11-23 of your "7 Habits" textbook.
2. Print off the "Understanding Paradigms" note sheet found at the following link;
Understanding Paradigms Note Sheet
3. Complete the "definition and example" section using the information you learned from reading your textbook.
4. Read the section entitled, "Things we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms". Let's take a closer look at each one of these to better understand what they mean. In each section, I have some questions highlighted in italics. You do not need to answer these questions on paper, but I do expect you to seriously contemplate them.
A. Our paradigms are shaped by our previous experiences.
C. Our paradigms can often be inaccurate or incomplete (we do not always have all the necessary information).
Consider the story on the bottom half of page 17 in your "7 Habits" textbook. How was this lady's paradigm inaccurate or incomplete? Once she had all the necessary information, did her paradigm change?
D. We always assume that the way we "see" something is the way it is. Really, it is only our perception. Most often, it is possible to see things from more than one perspective.
Look at the following picture. Can you see the old lady? Can you see the young woman? They are both there. Try to look at the picture from EACH perspective. Neither is right or wrong - they both exist - they are just different.

5. Fill in the section entitled, "Consider some paradigms you may have" on your "Understanding Paradigms" note sheet. How might these paradigms be affecting you?
6. A Paradigm Shift - A paradigm shift occurs when we start (can be sudden or take years) to see something differently - from a different perspective. If we want to grow or change as human beings, we must be open to new ideas / possibilities and willing to adjust our paradigms.
Fill in the section, "Paradigm Shift" on your note sheet.
ASSIGNMENT (10 marks) - Explain the paradigm shifts for each of the following examples:
A. The comic on page 17 of the "7 Habits" textbook.
B. The story on the bottom half of page 17 of the "7 Habits" textbook.
Please submit your assignment by either;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Before we tackle the "Habits" - it's important to better understand ourselves and be able to question how and why we think the way we think and act the way we act. One way we can do this is to examine our personal perceptions (aka, paradigms).
1. Read pages 11-23 of your "7 Habits" textbook.
2. Print off the "Understanding Paradigms" note sheet found at the following link;
Understanding Paradigms Note Sheet
3. Complete the "definition and example" section using the information you learned from reading your textbook.
4. Read the section entitled, "Things we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms". Let's take a closer look at each one of these to better understand what they mean. In each section, I have some questions highlighted in italics. You do not need to answer these questions on paper, but I do expect you to seriously contemplate them.
A. Our paradigms are shaped by our previous experiences.
- If someone was bitten by a dog, they may be afraid of dogs.
- If someone was successful at school, they may see themselves as smart.
- If someone was mugged, they may believe the world is a dangerous place.
Can you think of a paradigm you have. What experience(s) from the past may have led you to having this perception?
B. Our paradigms affect the way we behave and/ or our attitude towards people or things.
Watch the following video. Stop the video after 48 seconds. If this was your paradigm, how might it affect your attitude or the way you behave? Watch the rest of the video. The second half shows a very different paradigm than the first half. If this was your paradigm, how might it affect your attitude or the way you behave?
C. Our paradigms can often be inaccurate or incomplete (we do not always have all the necessary information).
Consider the story on the bottom half of page 17 in your "7 Habits" textbook. How was this lady's paradigm inaccurate or incomplete? Once she had all the necessary information, did her paradigm change?
D. We always assume that the way we "see" something is the way it is. Really, it is only our perception. Most often, it is possible to see things from more than one perspective.
Look at the following picture. Can you see the old lady? Can you see the young woman? They are both there. Try to look at the picture from EACH perspective. Neither is right or wrong - they both exist - they are just different.

5. Fill in the section entitled, "Consider some paradigms you may have" on your "Understanding Paradigms" note sheet. How might these paradigms be affecting you?
6. A Paradigm Shift - A paradigm shift occurs when we start (can be sudden or take years) to see something differently - from a different perspective. If we want to grow or change as human beings, we must be open to new ideas / possibilities and willing to adjust our paradigms.
Fill in the section, "Paradigm Shift" on your note sheet.
ASSIGNMENT (10 marks) - Explain the paradigm shifts for each of the following examples:
A. The comic on page 17 of the "7 Habits" textbook.
- What was the chick's paradigm before?
- What is the chick's paradigm now?
- Of the 4 things "we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms" which could apply to this situation? Explain.
B. The story on the bottom half of page 17 of the "7 Habits" textbook.
- What was the lady's paradigm before she discovers her "mistake"?
- What is the lady's paradigm after?
- Of the 4 things "we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms" which could apply to this situation? Explain.
C. Watch the following youtube video?
- What is the general paradigm held by the judges and the audience before the lady's performance?
- What is the general paradigm after?
- Of the 4 things "we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms" which could apply to this situation? Explain.
Please submit your assignment by either;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Planning 10 Online
Habits can make or break us. This lesson will make you more aware of those habits which are helpful to our success and those which create a barrier to achieving our potential.
1. Pick up yourself a copy of, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens" from the library. See Ms. Mohn or Mr. Wilson for help.
2. Read, "Get in the Habit" pages 3-9 of your "7 Habits" textbook.
3. ASSIGNMENT -(10 marks)
a) In a paragraph explain, in your own words, the purpose of Habits #1, 2 and 3. The purpose of habits #4, 5 and 6. And the purpose of Habit #7.
b) Consider the quote below:

In another paragraph, explain what this quote means to you.
Please submit your assignment by either;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Habits can make or break us. This lesson will make you more aware of those habits which are helpful to our success and those which create a barrier to achieving our potential.
1. Pick up yourself a copy of, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens" from the library. See Ms. Mohn or Mr. Wilson for help.
2. Read, "Get in the Habit" pages 3-9 of your "7 Habits" textbook.
3. ASSIGNMENT -(10 marks)
a) In a paragraph explain, in your own words, the purpose of Habits #1, 2 and 3. The purpose of habits #4, 5 and 6. And the purpose of Habit #7.
b) Consider the quote below:

In another paragraph, explain what this quote means to you.
Please submit your assignment by either;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.
Friday, 7 October 2016
Socials 8
October 7, 2016
-We were missing quite a few students who were taking part in a field trip so students were given all class to work on their feudal manors - due Tuesday October 11.
-Students received back their marked Chapter 1 - Early Middle Ages TEST.
-Students received their interim mark.
Happy Thanksgiving.
-We were missing quite a few students who were taking part in a field trip so students were given all class to work on their feudal manors - due Tuesday October 11.
-Students received back their marked Chapter 1 - Early Middle Ages TEST.
-Students received their interim mark.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Socials 8
October 6, 2016
-We reviewed the concept of feudalism
-Watched two youtube videos - "Europe's Feudal Estates" (as review and further explanation) and a really cheesy one called "History Teachers - William the Conqueror" (really, just for fun).
-We switched gears for a bit - and looked at the history of surnames - as they originated in the Middle Ages.
-Back on track - we read page 47 together and learned more about a feudal manor.
-Students were then given a new assignment to create their own manor. Students received a handout that explained the assignment and expectations. The assignment is due Tuesday Oct 11.
Canadian Trivia update: Jude (26), Arianna (26), Zoe (25.5), Isaac S (24), Rebecca (22), Devyn (22)
-We reviewed the concept of feudalism
-Watched two youtube videos - "Europe's Feudal Estates" (as review and further explanation) and a really cheesy one called "History Teachers - William the Conqueror" (really, just for fun).
-We switched gears for a bit - and looked at the history of surnames - as they originated in the Middle Ages.
-Back on track - we read page 47 together and learned more about a feudal manor.
-Students were then given a new assignment to create their own manor. Students received a handout that explained the assignment and expectations. The assignment is due Tuesday Oct 11.
Canadian Trivia update: Jude (26), Arianna (26), Zoe (25.5), Isaac S (24), Rebecca (22), Devyn (22)
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Teacher Assistant
October 4, 2016
You should have received Assignment #2. If not, please see me (Mrs. Hosh) soon. The assignment asks you to speak to your sponsor teacher and come up with some ideas for either a bulletin board or creating some resources that can be used in the class. This assignment is due on Monday Oct 24. Once you have completed the bulletin board or resources - your sponsor teacher will provide me with a mark out of 20.
You should have received Assignment #2. If not, please see me (Mrs. Hosh) soon. The assignment asks you to speak to your sponsor teacher and come up with some ideas for either a bulletin board or creating some resources that can be used in the class. This assignment is due on Monday Oct 24. Once you have completed the bulletin board or resources - your sponsor teacher will provide me with a mark out of 20.

Socials 8
October 4, 2016
Introduction to Chapter 2 - The High Middle Ages
We discussed the Bayeux Tapestry - Who, Where, When, What and Why?
Once William the Conqueror defeated King Harold, he decided to institute "Feudalism" in England.
Read the introduction to Chapter 2 - pages 44-47 as a class
Completed a worksheet about feudalism
Feudal Simulation - Queen Kaity gave out parcels of land (fiefs) to Lord Mack and Lord Joe who then swore oaths of allegiance to her and in turn, their knights (vassals) swore oaths of allegiance to them. Thankfully, the serfs had harvested some food for the occasion. Once the knights had collected the nobility's share and the clergy had collected their share, there was a bit left over for the serfs to feed themselves and their families. Hopefully everyone got the idea of how feudalism worked :)
We completed the Feudal pyramid.
Finished off with some Canadian trivia.
Thanks to everyone for participating in the feudal simulation!
Introduction to Chapter 2 - The High Middle Ages
We discussed the Bayeux Tapestry - Who, Where, When, What and Why?
Once William the Conqueror defeated King Harold, he decided to institute "Feudalism" in England.
Read the introduction to Chapter 2 - pages 44-47 as a class
Completed a worksheet about feudalism
Feudal Simulation - Queen Kaity gave out parcels of land (fiefs) to Lord Mack and Lord Joe who then swore oaths of allegiance to her and in turn, their knights (vassals) swore oaths of allegiance to them. Thankfully, the serfs had harvested some food for the occasion. Once the knights had collected the nobility's share and the clergy had collected their share, there was a bit left over for the serfs to feed themselves and their families. Hopefully everyone got the idea of how feudalism worked :)
We completed the Feudal pyramid.
Finished off with some Canadian trivia.
Thanks to everyone for participating in the feudal simulation!
Monday, 3 October 2016
Planning 10
Welcome to Planning 10 ONLINE - The "Hoshizaki" half.
Please read over the Course Outline for Planning 10 Online. You can access it at the following link. (You may need to log in to your Office 365 account to view it.)
Planning 10 Online Course Outline
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, either through email (which you can find on my blog) or at school, in person.
We will be using the book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey. You can get yourself a copy from our library at school. It looks like this:
My half of the course will focus on "Personal Planning" - we'll be looking at topics that deal with personal leadership - your ability to understand and motivate yourself as well as your ability to understand and work with others. Aside from the book, we will use assignments, projects, activities, videos and movies to help us learn the material. I hope you find this course useful and interesting and it makes you feel like this:
Welcome to Planning 10 ONLINE - The "Hoshizaki" half.
Please read over the Course Outline for Planning 10 Online. You can access it at the following link. (You may need to log in to your Office 365 account to view it.)
Planning 10 Online Course Outline
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, either through email (which you can find on my blog) or at school, in person.
We will be using the book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey. You can get yourself a copy from our library at school. It looks like this:
My half of the course will focus on "Personal Planning" - we'll be looking at topics that deal with personal leadership - your ability to understand and motivate yourself as well as your ability to understand and work with others. Aside from the book, we will use assignments, projects, activities, videos and movies to help us learn the material. I hope you find this course useful and interesting and it makes you feel like this:
- Each lesson asks you to complete and hand in a small assignment. If an assignment is not done to a satisfactory level you will be asked to redo it or receive a "0". Please see the course outline to understand the assessment process that I will be using.
- At times, I may be asking you to meet during a lunch hour or after school (preferably on a Wednesday) in order for me to deliver certain material. I will try to provide you with a lot of warning to ensure that you can be there. The expectation is that you attend.
- It will be helpful for you to keep a binder of Planning 10 material. I will often ask you to print off worksheets that I share with you through your Office 365 account. Having a place to put these completed worksheets, will help to keep you organized (which is what part of the course is all about :). It will also be important for you to reflect back on this material when you are asked to do larger PROJECTS. The worksheets and notes sheets that I am asking you to keep in your binder will be worth some MARKS (see your Course Outline for explanation)
- Assignments / Projects can be handed in via; my email (khoshizaki@sd19.bc.ca), Office 365, or by placing your completed assignment in the folder entitled "Hoshizaki - Planning 10" in the main office. Please ensure that your name is attached to anything you hand in.
- Please see me at any time if you have questions or concerns about the course. I expect you to have the course completed by MAY 15, 2017 AT THE VERY LATEST. I encourage all of you to stay on top of your assignments - DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!! - This will only cause you (and I) a lot of unnecessary stress.
Socials 8
October 3, 2016
-Chapter 1 - Early Middle Ages TEST - I'll try to get these marked asap...
-Please read the introductory story, "The Bayeux Tapestry", at the beginning of Chapter 2 - The High Middle Ages - pages 38-42 for tomorrow's class.
-Finished off class with Canadian Trivia - Zoe's still in the lead with 25.5 points.
-Interim reports are coming up - will be handed out later this week or early next week.
-Chapter 1 - Early Middle Ages TEST - I'll try to get these marked asap...
-Please read the introductory story, "The Bayeux Tapestry", at the beginning of Chapter 2 - The High Middle Ages - pages 38-42 for tomorrow's class.
-Finished off class with Canadian Trivia - Zoe's still in the lead with 25.5 points.
-Interim reports are coming up - will be handed out later this week or early next week.
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