Before we tackle the "Habits" - it's important to better understand ourselves and be able to question how and why we think the way we think and act the way we act. One way we can do this is to examine our personal perceptions (aka, paradigms).
1. Read pages 11-23 of your "7 Habits" textbook.
2. Print off the "Understanding Paradigms" note sheet found at the following link;
Understanding Paradigms Note Sheet
3. Complete the "definition and example" section using the information you learned from reading your textbook.
4. Read the section entitled, "Things we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms". Let's take a closer look at each one of these to better understand what they mean. In each section, I have some questions highlighted in italics. You do not need to answer these questions on paper, but I do expect you to seriously contemplate them.
A. Our paradigms are shaped by our previous experiences.
- If someone was bitten by a dog, they may be afraid of dogs.
- If someone was successful at school, they may see themselves as smart.
- If someone was mugged, they may believe the world is a dangerous place.
Can you think of a paradigm you have. What experience(s) from the past may have led you to having this perception?
B. Our paradigms affect the way we behave and/ or our attitude towards people or things.
Watch the following video. Stop the video after 48 seconds. If this was your paradigm, how might it affect your attitude or the way you behave? Watch the rest of the video. The second half shows a very different paradigm than the first half. If this was your paradigm, how might it affect your attitude or the way you behave?
C. Our paradigms can often be inaccurate or incomplete (we do not always have all the necessary information).
Consider the story on the bottom half of page 17 in your "7 Habits" textbook. How was this lady's paradigm inaccurate or incomplete? Once she had all the necessary information, did her paradigm change?
D. We always assume that the way we "see" something is the way it is. Really, it is only our perception. Most often, it is possible to see things from more than one perspective.
Look at the following picture. Can you see the old lady? Can you see the young woman? They are both there. Try to look at the picture from EACH perspective. Neither is right or wrong - they both exist - they are just different.

5. Fill in the section entitled, "Consider some paradigms you may have" on your "Understanding Paradigms" note sheet. How might these paradigms be affecting you?
6. A Paradigm Shift - A paradigm shift occurs when we start (can be sudden or take years) to see something differently - from a different perspective. If we want to grow or change as human beings, we must be open to new ideas / possibilities and willing to adjust our paradigms.
Fill in the section, "Paradigm Shift" on your note sheet.
ASSIGNMENT (10 marks) - Explain the paradigm shifts for each of the following examples:
A. The comic on page 17 of the "7 Habits" textbook.
- What was the chick's paradigm before?
- What is the chick's paradigm now?
- Of the 4 things "we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms" which could apply to this situation? Explain.
B. The story on the bottom half of page 17 of the "7 Habits" textbook.
- What was the lady's paradigm before she discovers her "mistake"?
- What is the lady's paradigm after?
- Of the 4 things "we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms" which could apply to this situation? Explain.
C. Watch the following youtube video?
- What is the general paradigm held by the judges and the audience before the lady's performance?
- What is the general paradigm after?
- Of the 4 things "we need to be aware of when it comes to our paradigms" which could apply to this situation? Explain.
Please submit your assignment by either;
1. Email
2. Office 365
3. The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.