Monday, 17 October 2016

Planning 10


This section is all about learning to believe in yourself.  It focuses on improving the relationship you have with you.  It makes some really good suggestions on how you can "build" your personal bank account (aka: your self confidence).  Once you see yourself as a capable human being, Habits #1, #2 and #3 will help you to achieve the life you want.

1.  Read page 31-45 in your "7 Habits" book.

2.  Part of building self-confidence is understanding yourself.  Check out the personality test found at the following link:

Jung Personality Test

3.  ASSIGNMENT  (10 marks) - Take the test and determine your "type".  Feel free to explore other Jung, Myers-Briggs 16 types personality tests or look up more information about your "type" on other websites.

a)  Provide me with a brief explanation (of what each of the 4 letters means) about your personality type.
b)  Discuss the parts of this "personality type" that you believe accurately describe you and those parts you disagree with.

Please submit your assignment by;
     1.  Email
     2.  Office 365
     3.  The Hoshizaki - Planning 10 Folder in the main office at school.