Monday, 3 October 2016

Planning 10


Welcome to Planning 10 ONLINE - The "Hoshizaki" half.  

Please read over the Course Outline for Planning 10 Online.  You can access it at the following link.  (You may need to log in to your Office 365 account to view it.)

Planning 10 Online Course Outline

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, either through email (which you can find on my blog) or at school, in person.

We will be using the book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey.  You can get yourself a copy from our library at school.  It looks like this:

My half of the course will focus on "Personal Planning" - we'll be looking at topics that deal with personal leadership - your ability to understand and motivate yourself as well as your ability to understand and work with others.  Aside from the book, we will use assignments, projects, activities, videos and movies to help us learn the material.  I hope you find this course useful and interesting and it makes you feel like this:

Image result for smiley face images

  • Each lesson asks you to complete and hand in a small assignment.  If an assignment is not done to a satisfactory level you will be asked to redo it or receive a "0".  Please see the course outline to understand the assessment process that I will be using.  
  • At times, I may be asking you to meet during a lunch hour or after school (preferably on a Wednesday) in order for me to deliver certain material.  I will try to provide you with a lot of warning to ensure that you can be there.  The expectation is that you attend.
  • It will be helpful for you to keep a binder of Planning 10 material.  I will often ask you to print off worksheets that I share with you through your Office 365 account.  Having a place to put these completed worksheets, will help to keep you organized (which is what part of the course is all about :).  It will also be important for you to reflect back on this material when you are asked to do larger PROJECTS.  The worksheets and notes sheets that I am asking you to keep in your binder will be worth some MARKS (see your Course Outline for explanation)
  • Assignments / Projects can be handed in via; my email (, Office 365, or by placing your completed assignment in the folder entitled "Hoshizaki - Planning 10" in the main office.  Please ensure that your name is attached to anything you hand in.
  • Please see me at any time if you have questions or concerns about the course.  I expect you to have the course completed by MAY 15, 2017 AT THE VERY LATEST.  I encourage all of you to stay on top of your assignments - DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!! - This will only cause you (and I) a lot of unnecessary stress.