Once you make it a habit to take responsibility for your life and adopt a "CAN-DO" attitude (Habit #1), it's time to decide where you want to go and what you want to do with your life (Habit #2). This lesson will ask you to examine your values, write a Mission Statement, and set some goals.
But first a cute video that demonstrates, Beginning with the End in Mind....
Sorry - I couldn't get the video to embed but you can view it by clicking on the Watch on YouTube link.
Just a heads up - this lesson is the longest so far... please be patient and work through it. I promise to make the next lesson shorter.
1. You can print off and fill out the Notes sheet (found at the link below) as you work through the chapter. It will help you to remember the key points about the material you are reading.
Habit #2 Notes Sheet
Let's start by looking at Values
2. Read pages 74-80 of your "7 Habits" book.
3. Print off the Values Clarification Exercise on the link below and complete the exercise. This exercise will help you to identify some of your values and the characteristics of those values.
Values Clarification Exercise
Now let's check out what a Mission Statement is.... and get you to write one of your own.
4. Read pages 80-94 of your "7 Habits" book. Take some time to think about answers to the questions in the "Great Discovery".
In addition to the examples found in your "7 Habits" book, the link below will provide you with some more examples of Mission Statements.
Sample Mission Statements
5. Now get started on writing your own Mission Statement - remember it doesn't have to look or sound like the examples - it is unique for each individual. You are creating a statement that says what your life is about - perhaps it hints to your values, your purpose, your identity.... whatever inspires or motivates you....
If you're having a difficult time getting started, check out the 4 methods suggested in the book on page 90. If you're still struggling, move on to the next section, goal setting, and then come back to this after. Sometimes it helps to work from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
Goal Setting - Goals are smaller chunks of your Mission Statement. In fact, it is your goals that will help you to "live" your Mission Statement. Goals are specific and measurable things that you want to accomplish. They can be short term (example: get this Planning 10 lesson completed before I go to bed tonight) or long term (example: travel to Australia before I turn 30). There are "keys to goal setting" as well as different ways to write goals to make them more "achievable". We will look at all of these aspects of goal setting.
6. Read pages 94-103 of your "7 Habits" book and fill in the 5 Keys to Goal Setting on your Notes sheet.
7. Read the article at the link below. Make sure you understand the difference between a Personal Performance goal and a Personal Outcome goal and define each on your Notes sheet.
Go for the Goals you Control
8. Learn about what makes a goal "specific" and "measurable" from the worksheet at the link below.
Designing Specific and Measurable Goals
9. Now - complete your own "Bucket List" - make sure the goals you list are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE and PERSONAL PERFORMANCE oriented.
Alright - hopefully you understand what it means to "Begin with the End in Mind", have identified your values, developed a mission statement and set some goals. Now it's time to put it all together into the assignment.
10. ASSIGNMENT - CD Cover (20 marks)
Using a 20cm x 20cm piece of cardstock, create a CD Cover that communicates your Mission Statement, Values and Goals. (I'll put some cut card stock into the Planning 10 folder in the office in case you can't find any of your own.)
On the front of your cardstock;
* Design your cover using images that represent different aspects of you.
* The title of the CD will be your MISSION STATEMENT (or, if your Mission Statement is long, an important phrase from it). **If you're entire mission statement won't fit on your CD cover - please include it on a separate piece of paper when you hand in your CD cover.
Using made up (not real) titles and artist/group names, on the back of your cardstock:
* Create (at least 10) song titles that express your GOALS.
* The artist of each song will represent your VALUES.
If you need help or more explanation, please come and see me.
Please submit your CD Cover to the Planning 10 folder in the office.