October 12, 2016
Hi All;
Thanks to those of you who got your Assignment #1 handed in. For those of you who have yet to complete it and hand it in, I ask that you do that soon, please.
I have handed out Assignment #2 to all of you. I hope by now you've had the chance to speak with your sponsor teacher and have some ideas to begin either creating your display or resources. Please remember this assignment is due October 24, 2016.
The evaluation that your teacher sponsor gives you will be worth 60% of your term mark. You can view the evaluation sheet at the link below. You may have to log into your Office 365 account to do this - I have shared the document with each of you through Office 365.
Teacher Assistant Evaluation Form
Please feel free to submit your assignments through the Office 365 account as well.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns or need any help with anything.