Friday, 13 December 2019

Socials 8 - Block 3/4 and 7/8

Friday December 13, 2019

Block 3 - We reviewed the "Big Picture" of the Renaissance and watched a thought provoking video called, "The History of Ideas - the Renaissance" on youtube.... and then discussed some of the ideas from the video.
Students spent the rest of their class time working on their review questions.

Block 7 - We got together with Ms. A's class, watched the Renaissance video projects and feasted on some food :)

***I would encourage all students to complete 3 pages of the review booklet for Monday.  Students will be given some class time to work on their review and then we will go over the answers to the review questions.


Thursday, 12 December 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Thursday December 12, 2019

  • This was the last day for students to complete their Renaissance videos.
  • Students also received the study booklet for their upcoming test.

Chapter 7 (and part of Chapter 9) TEST - Renaissance and Protestant Reformation

  • Tuesday December 17
In tomorrow's class - we will watch the Renaissance videos and celebrate with some food.  If possible, please bring something to share with the class.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday Dec 4 - Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

For the next week, our Socials 8 class will be working on a collaborative project with Ms. Atamanuk's English 8 class.

Students have been put into groups and given a Renaissance topic.  As a group they will choose a format (commercial, talk show, game show, etc) to present their topic.  They will research, write a script, perform, video and edit their project.  In the end, they will get to watch each other's videos and enjoy a Renaissance feast.

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday December 3, 2019

1.  Quickly reviewed Renaissance Art, Artists and what we had learned so far about Leonardo da Vinci.
2.  Continued to watch the rest of "Davinci and the code he lived by".

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday December 2, 2019

1.  We reviewed the impact of the Printing Press, and the Protestant Reformation.
2.  Looked at how the Art during the Renaissance was different from that of the Middle Ages.  Watched two short videos on Renaissance Art and one point linear perspective.
3.  Started a History Channel Documentary "Leonardo da Vinci and the code he lived by".

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday November 29, 2019

1.  Collected the Humanist assignment that was for homework.
2.  Reviewed: Humanism, City-States and the Medici's.
2.  Introduced the Printing Press and discussed its affects on society.  Students received a flow chart diagram.  We watched a video on the impact that the invention of moveable type had on society.
3.  Introduced the Protestant Reformation - discussed why people were unhappy with the Roman Catholic Church at the time.  What changes they wanted to see take place.  Who was Martin Luther - and the impact that all of this had on society.  Students watched several short videos on the topic and then, using their textbooks, completed a worksheet.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday / Thursday November 27 / 28, 2019

1.  Introduction to the Renaissance - page 209 - read together.
2.  We created a chart that listed the differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
3. Discussion and notes. - Why did the Renaissance start in Italy?  The Italian City-States - what are they, how are they ruled?  Students completed a map.
4.  Renaissance thinking... how was it different than the Medieval times?  We discussed what a "paradigm" is and how and why people had a "paradigm shift".  We also discussed how paradigms can affect people's attitudes and behaviours.

Renaissance people admired the Greek and Roman philosophers.  We discussed what philosophy is, watched a quick video on it and then, in groups, practiced some philosophical thinking.  Renaissance people who wanted to revive the ideas of the Greeks and Romans and work towards the betterment of individual potential and society as a whole, were called "Humanists".  The 3 ideals that Humanists focussed on were:  Beauty (aesthetics), Truth (wisdom and logic) and Goodness (virtuous living).

5. Students were given a Humanist Assignment and class time to work on it.  Whatever they did not get done in class, will be for homework.  DUE:  Friday November 28.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday November 26, 2019

1.  The TEST.  Most students seemed to feel pretty good about it!

Tomorrow - we start the RENAISSANCE.

Monday, 25 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday, November 25, 2019

1.  Homework check to make sure students had completed 2 sides of their review booklet.
2.  Students used class time to continue working on their review booklet
3.  We went over all the questions from the review booklet.

Chapter 5 TEST - The Late Middle Ages - tomorrow - Tuesday November 26.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday, November 22, 2019

1.  We took part in a second Black Plague simulation and then discussed how the connection between the activity and the plague.

2.  Introduced the Peasant's Revolt.  Students took notes on how both the Black Death and the 100 Year War contributed to the Peasant's Revolt (domino effect chart).

3.  Watched a youtube video:  "The Peasant's Revolt -"

4.  Students received their review booklet for Chapter 5 - The Late Middle Ages.

Homework:  Complete 2 sides of the review.  Due:  Monday
Test:  Tuesday November 26.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday /Thursday November 20/21, 2019

1.  We reviewed what we had learned about "The Plague" from the video.
2.  Finished watching the documentary and completed the notes.
3.  Took part in a Black Death simulation.  Then discussed what similarities there could have been between the simulation and the Black Death.
4.  Students took notes (in the form of a flow chart) on the changes that occurred in society as a result of the Black Death.

Next day:
• Black Death simulation #2
• The Peasant's Revolt
• Review Sheet handed out

Next Test:  Late Middle Ages TEST - Tuesday November 26

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday November 19, 2019

1.  We quickly went over the worksheet on Women's Status and the Church in the Late Middle Ages.
2.  Introduced "The Black Death".  Discussed the 5 W's.  Students were asked to write a paragraph discussing:  What impact do you think the Black Death, and resulting decrease in population, will have on Medieval society?  Most completed the paragraph and handed it in.  Those who didn't must have it ready to hand in next class.

3.  Watched a music video by: The History Teachers called "Fleas on Rats"
4. Watched the History Channel documentary called, "The Plague" and students made notes about the movie.

Will finish the documentary next day and participate in some Black Plague simulations.

Upcoming:  Chapter 5 - Late Middle Ages TEST - Tuesday November 26.

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday November 18, 2019

1. We went over the Chapter 2 tests.
2.  We went over the Trade and Town questions.
3.  Students worked on a "fill in the blanks" worksheet relating to Women's status and the Church in the Late Middle Ages.  We looked at the Gothic styled architecture that emerged in the Middle Ages and compared it to the Roman architecture.

Homework:  The worksheet on Women's Status and the Church.

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday November 15, 2019

1.  Students looked at how TRADE emerged in the Late Middle Ages and how this lead to the development of TOWNS.  Students watched a short video on Medieval Towns and worked on questions from the textbook.

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday / Thursday November 13/14, 2019

1.  Introduced the Hundred Years War - read section of textbook - pulled out the 5W's.
     - looked at some historically significant people and events of the war.

         • The Burghers of Calais - we read the story together.  Students were put into groups and given a "character" from the story.  As a group they had to write a paragraph that stated why this person(s) was the "most chivalrous" person in the story.  The groups took turns reading their paragraphs.  Then each group was asked to rebut the other groups' statements and argue why that person was NOT the most chivalrous.  In the end we voted on which team we felt a) put forth the best argument and b) refuted the opposing arguments the best.

         • The Battle at Agincourt - we watched a short video clip that summarized this event.  As a class we then discussed how this battle was historically significant and what changes in society would come about as a result of this battle.

         • Joan of Arc - we watched a National Geographic video about her and discussed how she was a significant figure and the impact she had on the Hundred Years' war.

2.  With a little bit of time left over - we played Kahoot and answered questions from the Medieval era.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday November 12, 2019

1.  Quick review on Knighthood and Heraldry
2.  Students were given the class to work on their Heraldry assignment, while we watched some more of "A Knight's Tale".
3.  Heraldry assignment is due:  Wednesday November 13 (blocks 3/4) and Thursday November 14 (blocks 7/8)

Friday, 8 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday November 8, 2019

1.  Homework Check
2.  We went over the answers to the "Knighthood and Chivalry" questions.
3.  Introduced: Heraldry
4.  Students were given an assignment on Heraldry:  They can either research their own "coat of arms" and draw symbols from it on a shield or create their own shield, using symbols that they feel represent things they value or their personality traits.  We used the website; to help us find information and definitions for different symbols.
Students will have all of class on Tuesday Nov. 12 to work on this assignment.

The Heraldry assignment is due:  November 13 (for blocks 3/4) or November 14 (for blocks 7/8).

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday / Thursday November 6/7, 2019

1.  Students wrote the Chapter 2 Test.
2.  Introduced the Late Middle Ages (approx. 1200-1400 - chapter 5)
          • read the introduction, discussed as a class the events and changes we would see during this  
            time period.
3.  Students were given an assignment:  "Knighthood and Chivalry".  Notes from the textbook.
What wasn't completed in class is for homework and due:  Friday Nov. 8

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday November 5, 2019

1.  We went over the review sheet.
2.  Students were given the paragraph question that will be on the test.  We defined what information the question is looking for, brainstormed ideas around the question and then discussed how to correctly put together a paragraph.  Students received a handout that outlined the steps as well as provided examples.

Reminder:  TEST - Wed. Nov. 6 (Block 7/8) and Thurs. Nov. 7 (Block 3/4)

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday November 4, 2019

Students had the entire class to work on their review sheets for the upcoming TEST on Wednesday (Block 7/8), Thursday (Block 3/4). 

Reminder:  Comic Life assignment is due:  Tuesday Nov. 5 if not already handed in.
                -Students are expected to have 3 sides of the review booklet complete for Tuesday's    

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday October 28/29/30, 2019

This week, students in Block 3/4 will be taking part in Career Education instead of Socials 8 (or English 8).  In order to keep each of our Socials 8 (and English 8) classes on a similar schedule, Ms. Atamanuk and I will trade classes (twice) during blocks 7/8 this week.  This will allow each of the grade 8 students that we teach to have 2 Socials and 2 English classes.

In Socials, students have started a new assignment using the Comic Life computer program.  The assignment is to create a comic strip that depicts the events leading up to the signing of the Magna Carta (while including an explanation of what rights the Magna Carta protects).  Students will be given 2 full classes to work on this assignment in the IT Lab.  If they are unable to complete it during these two classes, they will need to take some time during lunch or after school on Thursday Oct 31 and/or Monday Nov 4.  The assignment is due Tuesday November 5.  

A reminder that the next chapter test will take place during the double block - Wednesday Nov. 6 (Blocks 7/8) or Thursday Nov. 7 (Blocks 3/4).   Students will receive their review booklet on Wednesday Oct. 30.  We will use class time on Monday (Nov. 4) and Tuesday (Nov. 5) to review for the test.  

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Thursday October 24, 2019

1.  We reviewed what we had learned about the Magna Carta last day.
2.  Introduced the next assignment - students will be using the "Comic Life" computer program to create a comic about the events leading up to the signing of the Magna Carta.  Students can use their textbook to gather information for their comic.  They will be given two classes for this assignment.  It will be due:  Tuesday November 5.

3.  Upcoming test on Chapter 2 - Blocks 7/8 - Wednesday Nov. 6, 
                                                      - Blocks 3/4 - Thursday Nov. 7.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday October 23, 2019

1.  Reviewed the political spectrum
2.  Defined forms of rule:  Absolute Monarchy and Democracy and plotted them on the political spectrum.
3.  Using the textbook, we read the section on "Royal Power and Democracy".  Discussed what the political situation was like during the 1200s in England and how and why the Magna Carta came about and why it is a historically significant document and still affects us today.
4.  Watched a few youtube videos to reinforce the textbook reading.
                  • The Magna Carta (British Library)
                  • The Magna Carta and the emergence of parliament
                  • Horrible Histories:  The Magna Carta Rap Battle
5.  Completed the 5 W's in regards to the Magna Carta

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019

1.  We discussed the election results.
2.  Students had a chance to work on their party platform assignment in the library.  If they didn't get it completed, it is for homework.
3.  We finished the rest of the movie, "Kingdom of Heaven".
4.  For those who had completed all their work, we watched some very goofy, "Monte Python -In Search of the Holy Grail" clips (as the movie is set in the Middle Ages :)

• For the rest of this week - we will finish up chapter 2.  The chapter 2 test has been tentatively scheduled for Tuesday November 4.

• Much of next week will be spent on Career Education.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday October 21, 2019

Election Day!!!  Taking a quick break from the Medieval times to focus on Canada today.

1.  Introduced politics in Canada:
              • youtube videos:     The Levels of Government and Federal Elections
2.  Looked at the 6 political parties in Canada
3.  Talked about the political spectrum in terms of Left and Right in regards to economic philosophies and progressive and conservative in regards to social philosophies.  And where each of the Canadian parties fits on these continuums.
4.  Students were asked to pick three different topics and research the political platforms of each party in regards to their topics.  We used a very helpful website for this:  "Canada Votes 2019 - Party Platforms compared".
5.  Students took a survey at to determine how their opinions fit in with the different political parties views.

Students will have more time in tomorrow's class to complete the political party platforms assignment.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday October 18, 2019

1.  Students summarized what had happened in the movie, "The Kingdom of Heaven", so far.
2.  Students continued watching the movie.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday / Thursday October 16/17, 2019

1.  Checked student's Middle Eastern maps for completion.
2. Reviewed what they remembered from the Crusades.
3.  We read from the textbook about the end of the Crusades and the consequences on Western Europe and completed our note sheet.
4.  Went over a timeline of events in regards to Jerusalem's history - to put the Crusades into perspective and make more sense of the movie we are about to watch.
5.  Students dissected Pope Urban II's famous speech - looking for words/phrases that were meant to provoke strong emotions in the Crusaders as well as ways in which he described the Muslims.
6.  Students were asked to come up with their own slogans - either to; encourage Western Europeans to go on Crusade OR encourage Crusaders to have mercy on the people living in Jerusalem when they conquered it.  Students read out their slogans to the class.
7.  The movie, "Kingdom of Heaven" was introduced - characters and setting discussed, and then we watched the first hour of it.  Students were asked to pick out information that they have already learned about the Middle Ages and Crusades that was being reinforced by the movie.

We will continue watching the movie next day.

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday October 15, 2019

1. Reviewed what we had learned about the CRUSADES from last class.
2.  Students were given time to work on and complete their maps of the Middle East.
3.  We began watching "The Crescent and the Cross" - and filled out notes as we watched it.  It highlighted the most important information about the beginning of the Crusades.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday October 11, 2019

1.  Homework Check - worksheet on Medieval Religion, Law and World Perspective.  We went over the questions together to ensure student answers were correct.
2.  Introduction to the Crusades.

  • Who was involved?  The Christians vs. the Muslims
  • What were the Crusades?  Religious wars fought over the holy land of Jerusalem
  • Where did they take place?  Around the area of Jerusalem
  • When did it occur?  The first crusade began in 1096, numerous other crusades occurred ending about 1291.
  • Why did people go to fight?  They believed God willed it, to take back Jerusalem from the Muslim Turks, to gain land and money, for the promise of remission of all sins and eternal life in Heaven.
3.  Students began working on a map of the Middle East.  They will be given more time to work on it on Tuesday in class. 

Have an awesome long weekend.  

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday October 9, 2019

1.  Students were given time to complete their Similarities/Differences chart.
2.  We looked at the importance of religion in the lives of Medieval people, the law/court system that was in place at that time and the limited perspective of the world that people had.

Students have a worksheet to fill out using information from their textbooks (pages 54-61) and a short video, "The Medieval Mind - - the History of Britain".

Whatever wasn't completed during class time will be for homework:  Due:  Friday Oct 11

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday October 8, 2019

Today we looked at the similarities and differences between:

  • a serf and a freeholder (free peasant)
  • a man's and a woman's role in Medieval society   
  • a noble's life and a serf's life
We took our information from videos called:
"Life in the Middle Ages - the serf" and "Life in the Middle Ages - the noble" to complete the chart that was handed out.  Other information can also be found in the textbook.

In block 3 - Chapter 1 - The Early Middle Ages test was handed back and we went over it.                      

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday October 7, 2019

Block 8 - School assembly on Mental Health
Block 4 - Students were given time to complete a self-assessment of their Manor assignment so that they could make any alterations/additions before handing it in.  We completed the "manor simulation" that this class hadn't yet participated in.

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday October 4, 2019

  • Students were given the entire class to work on their "Manor drawings".  
  • Manor assignment is due:  Monday Oct. 7

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday / Thursday October 2/3, 2019

1.  Quick check in to see what students remembered from last class's introduction to the High Middle Ages.
2.  H/W check
3.  Went over H/W questions
4.  Read textbook - pages 47-48 - to understand what a "manor" is.
5.  Watched youtube video - "The Medieval Manor -"
6.  Class activity.  Students drew their roles in medieval society - either a monarch, lord, knight or peasant.  The monarch/lords and knights swore an oath of allegiance - sealing a feudal contract.  Serfs were instructed by the lord as to their role on the manor.   We took part in a simulation to demonstrate how crops would have been "paid" by the serfs to their "superiors".
7.  Students were given a "manor" assignment where they need to draw their own manor.  They will be given time next class to work on the assignment and then it will be due:  Monday Oct. 7
8.  We also looked at where "surnames" come from.  Students are expected to name 5 of their citizens (on their manor) - using realistic names from the time period.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday October 1, 2019

We began the next unit - The High Middle Ages (from the 1000s to around the 1200s)

1.  The class was introduced to the Normans - who were they?, where were they from?, where did they settle?
2.  We watch a very short video on the Normans.
3.  We learned about the Bayeaux Tapestry and the story that it represents (the Battle of Hastings).

  • a battle between the Normans and the Anglo Saxons (in England)
  • took place in 1066
  • in a place called Hastings, England
  • a conflict over who would be the next king of England
  • William the Conqueror (of Normandy) defeated Harold (of England).
4. Watched a very "cheesy" video about the Battle of Hastings and the Bayeaux Tapestry.
5.  Discussed that when William took over England, he instituted Norman feudalism.  A political/social system based on Fiefs (Land), Fealty (Loyalty) and Faith (Religion).  We examined the social hierarchy that this system created in society.  Students watched a short video to reinforce the explanation of feudalism.
6. Students received a handout about feudalism and are expected to answer the questions using their textbook for next class.  (HOMEWORK)

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday Sept. 30, 2019

Students wrote the Chapter 1 - Early Middle Ages Test.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday / Thursday September 25/26, 2019

1.  TEST review - students worked on review booklets
                           - watched several "review" videos
                           - took part in review games / activities

2.  Academic Raiders game

Chapter 1 - The Early Middle Ages TEST - Monday September 30th.  Students can find information in their textbook and use notes from class and the documentaries we have watched.  I will be in my classroom and available to answer questions / provide help on Thursday at lunch.

Paragraph Question on upcoming TEST (so you can prepare ideas in advance)

Which PERSON or EVENT do you consider to be the most "historically" significant during the time period that we have just covered in Socials 8?  Provide TWO reasons for you choice.  (6 marks).  (Paragraph should be approximately 4-6 sentences.)

How your paragraph will be assessed:
Topic Sentence - State the person or event in a sentence that clearly answers the paragraph question - 1 mark
Reason #1 with explanation as to why it is historically significant - 2 marks
Reason #2 with explanation as to why it is historically significant - 2 marks
Concluding Sentence - Restate topic of paragraph in a new way - 1 mark

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday September 24, 2019

1.  Upcoming Unit 1 TEST on the Early Middle Ages is scheduled for Monday Sept. 30.
           Test format - 50 marks
                  • 20 vocabulary matching (10 marks)
                  • 20 matching religions (10 marks)
                  • 14 tribe characteristics matching (7 marks)
                  • short answer questions (13 marks)
                  • before/after chart (4 marks)
                  • paragraph answer (6 marks) - students will be given the paragraph question the class    
                                                                   before the test.

2.  Early Middle Ages timeline assignment (a summary of what we have learned throughout the unit).

3.  Academic Raiders game - Round #2

4.  Students received the Test Review Booklet.  Please remember to bring to class next day as this is what we will be working on.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday September 23, 2019

1.  We reviewed what students had learned from the movie, The Dark Ages.
2.  Students worked in their tribes to come up with 12 challenge questions that they would be using in the upcoming game, Academic Raiders.  The questions had to be from topics we have already covered in Socials 8: The Roman Empire and its fall, Western European geography, Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and/or information about their tribe.  This information was gathered from the notes they had taken on the documentaries we have watched, their textbook or the European map.
3.  We played one round of "Academic Raiders".  Three rounds to go.....
4.  The students began a "Timeline" assignment as part of the upcoming review for Unit 1.  They will have a TEST on Unit 1 on Monday September 30.

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday September 20, 2019

Students finished watching the movie, The Dark Ages, (up to 1hr 20m) and completed their notes (handout with questions).

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday/Thursday September 18/19, 2019

1.  Review from last day.
2. We began watching the History Channel documentary called, "The Dark Ages".  We watched up to 42 minutes of the movie.  Students completed notes (a handout with questions on it).  We went over each question to ensure understanding
3.  Preparation for an upcoming class activity called "Academic Raiders", where the class is divided in to 5 different tribes (Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Vikings, Franks and Byzantines) representing   groups that are going to have a significant impact on Western European society in the early Middle Ages (after the fall of the  Roman Empire).
                   • each group researched their tribe, using our textbook, and then introduced themselves      
 to the rest of the class.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday September 17, 2019

1.  Students handed in paragraphs (if they had not handed them in yesterday), on what they believed needed to happen in order for Western Europe to climb back to an advanced level of civilization.
2.  We read pages 15-18 together in the textbook (about the spread of Christianity throughout Western Europe) and then the students were assigned questions to complete.  They had the rest of class to work on these questions.  Whatever was not completed in class, is for homework and due at the beginning of class next day.  Questions 1-5 - we will go over the answers together.  Question 6 and 7 will be handed in for marks.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday September 16, 2019

1.  Students wrote a paragraph answering the question;  "What do you think it will take to get Western Europe back to the advanced level of civilization that existed before the fall of the Roman Empire?  Explain your ideas.  (Hint:  Consider some of the ideas that you included in the pyramid group assignment that we did last week.).  Paragraph was handed in when completed.  Those who didn't complete it have it for homework.  Due:  Tuesday Sept. 18.

2.  We continued on with the three major religions:  Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Finished the Christianity and Islam video and completed the chart.

Next day:  The spread of Christianity throughout Europe - you will need your textbooks!

Friday, 13 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday September 13, 2019

1.  Reviewed what we had learned last day - the fall of the Roman Empire and the changes that this brought to Western European society.
2.  Handed back European map quizzes (students who did not pass are asked to re-write until they receive a passing mark)
3.  Introduced the concept of religion, what needs it fulfils in society and the 3 religions that had the greatest impact on European history - Judaism, Christianity and Islam
4.  Watched 2 of the 3 videos that explain each of these religions (will watch the 3rd one next class).  YouTube - Judaism 101, Christianity 101, (Islam 101).  Students completed a chart that highlights the main characteristics/concepts of each religion.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Wednesday/Thursday September 11/12, 2019

1.  Picked up our textbooks from the library
2.  European map quiz
3.  Read pages 9-12 of Pathwasy (our textbook) together as a class
4.  Students got and answered questions about the Roman Empire and we created a chart of characteristics of society before/after the Empire fell.
5.  Watched a clip from the movie, "Lean on Me" and compared it to the fall of the Roman Empire.
6.  Discussed human Hierarchy of Needs and what it was going to take for Western Europe to get back to the previous level of civilization that it experienced before the fall of Rome.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Tuesday September 10, 2019

-We reviewed what we had learned so far about the Roman Empire from the movie that we started last day.
-We completed the movie and notes.
-Reminder of the European map quiz next class (Wednesday - blocks 7/8), (Thursday - Blocks 3/4)

Monday, 9 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Monday September 9, 2019

1.  European maps were checked for completion.  Students were able to make corrections if necessary.
2.  Students shared what they already knew about the Roman Empire.
3.  Students watched the first half of a movie, Rome:  Engineering an Empire.  We stopped frequently to pull out the key points and wrote it on our note sheets.
4.  We will continue to watch the movie during tomorrow's class.

Reminder:  European map Quiz - Wednesday (for blocks 7/8), Thursday (for blocks 3/4).

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Friday September 6, 2019

• Students were given time to work on their European maps.
• I showed them (and they showed me) a website where they can practice learning the names and locations of the European countries.
• If they were unable to finish their map in class it is due:  Monday Sept 9 (at the beginning of class).
• There will be a QUIZ on the countries and capital cities:  Wednesday Sept 11 (Block 7/8) and Thursday Sept 12 (Block 3/4)

Socials 8 - Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Socials 8 - Thursday September 5, 2019

• Students were put into small groups and presented their "History of Me" assignments to each other and then handed the assignment in.
• We discussed that much of the history we would be studying this semester was European and it was important for them to know where the countries (we would be discussing) were in the world.
• Students were given a list of countries and a European map and asked to label the map.  This assignment was NOT for homework as students would be given time to work on it next class.

Socials 8 Blocks 3/4 and 7/8

Socials 8 - Wednesday September 4, 2019

• We went over the Course Outline for the course
• Discussed what"historical significance" meant.  Events are historically significant when they
a) create a lot of change and b) affect a lot of people.
• Students were given an assignment (The History of Me) where they needed to consider "historically significant" events in their own lives.  They were asked to choose 8-10 events and explain them with words and pictures on a sheet of paper.
• The assignment was for homework if they weren't able to complete it in the class time given.