Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Leadership - Lesson #5

Welcome to Habit #6 - SYNERGIZE 

"None of us is as smart as all of us."  (Ken Blanchard)

Habits 4, 5 &6 are all about your relationship with others.  Habit #4 was about having the right attitude to make good connections.  Habit #5 discussed healthy ways of communicating to strengthen those connections.  Habit #6 is about using those connections to achieve more as a group than you ever could as an individual.  This habit is about achieving synergy.

Check out the synergy that is being achieved in the following videos.

In order for SYNERGY to occur, the individuals within the group need to:

1.  Have an Open Mind and Celebrate Differences
2.  Come up with Creative Ways to Solve Problems
3.  Practice Teamwork Skills

Let's start with #1! 

a)  Practicing Open Mindedness:  consider this quote:

"A mind is like a parachute.  It doesn't work if is not open." (Frank Zappa)

Being open minded means to truly open your mind and consider new information, ideas and ways of doing things WITHOUT judgement.  It DOES NOT mean agreeing with everything - but giving your brain a chance to stretch and consider a different perspective. 

b)  Celebrating Differences: consider this quote: 

"If two people were exactly alike, one of them would be unnecessary." (Larry Dixon)

Sometimes, it is only when we come up against differences that we are forced to question our way of thinking.  If we want to achieve more than we could on our own - we must appreciate different perspectives and opinions.  We must look beyond our own way of thinking and doing.

This video, (although a plug for a specific school), 
speaks to the importance of being open minded and celebrating differences. 


Challenge yourself to do something or think about something that is different from your "normal".  

  • listen to a different genre of music than you normally do,  
  • watch a movie/documentary that would not normally catch your interest,  
  • try a recipe for something you’ve never eaten before,  
  • go on an adventure and discover an area of Revelstoke that you’ve never seen before,  
  • read an article on a topic you've never considered before,  
  • learn about the opposite perspective (from what you agree with) on a controversial issue, 
  • You could even look at "life in COVID times" and online schooling.... it’s certainly new and different! 

1.  Write about (or discuss on video) your experience.  What did you choose to do? Why is this different for you? What was your experience like? You need to tell me how this experience forced you to think more open-mindedly and/or appreciate something/someone different. 

I will post this Assignment in Teams as well.