Monday, 11 May 2020

Volleyball - Tuesday May 12

No Fitness Tuesday!

Volleyball Control Drills:

Setting: lying on your back 
  • low and quick continuous sets to self (100x)
  • higher and slower paced continuous sets to self (100x)
  • high sets that graze the ceiling (if ok with parents) continuous, if possible (30x)
  • continuous setting to self while doing slow sit ups (25 sit ups)
  • lie on back, legs lift up alternately while you set to yourself - when lifting your left leg, your leg must come between your body and your left hand when it sets, when lifting your right leg, your leg must come between your body and your right leg when you set.  100 touches.
Passing:  done while remaining in ready position
  • continuous passing to self without moving feet - one foot can pivot, if needed (100x)
  • continuous passing while moving forward and back (100x)
  • continuous passing while shuffling side to side (pass, shuffle, freeze, pass, repeat) (100x)
Combos:  done while standing up 
  • pass to self, set to self, right hand Vball groove contact, left hand Vball groove contact,  repeat continuously (50 combos)

Volleyball Daily Challenge:  (from Rylee, Thanks Rylee!!!)

Setting Pyramid:  1 short set, 1 medium set, 1 high set, 2 short sets, 2 medium sets, 2 high sets, 3 short sets, 3 medium sets, 3 high sets, and so on....  What level can you get without dropping or forearm passing the ball?  TEXT me your highest level when you've completed your workout.