Sunday, 24 May 2020

Volleyball - Monday May 25

Warm- up:  your choice

  • Star footwork drill (5 points) forward step-hop, to the right - step-hop, to the left - step-hop, diagonally back right - step hop, diagonally back left - step hop.  Stay low and in ready position, facing the net at all times.  Simulate a pass after each step-hop.  1 set = 3 x through.  Complete 3 sets.
  • Star drill  with a burpie (step hop, drop, shoot legs out, legs back in, stand up, jump) at each point. 1 set = 2 x through.  Rest in between sets.  Complete 3 sets.

Volleyball Control Drills:
  • alternate left forearm/right forearm contacts - 100 contacts
  • right forearm, left forearm, pass to self, set to self, repeat - 100 contacts
  • right forearm, left forearm, pass to self, set to self, catch behind back - full set 20x
  • from knees - alternate low forearm pass to self, high forearm pass to self- 100 contacts
  • from knees - alternate low set to self, high set to self- 100 contacts
  • sitting facing wall - light overhand serve to wall, set it when it comes back and continue to set while doing a sit up.  Once back up, set yourself up to serve again, repeat 50x
Challenge of the Day:
  • right forearm, left forearm, right knee, left knee, right foot, left foot, pass to self, set to self, catch behind back.  TEXT me how many sets you can complete in a 10 minutes period.